
Showing posts from June, 2015

Day 231: CF Armoury: Cleans; WOD: A mix of everything in 16 minutes

Day 230: CF Armoury: Sotts Press; 5 RFT - Sandbag Carry, Ring Dips, Front Squats

Day 229: CF Armoury: Yoke Ladder; 15 Min AMRAP Wall Balls and Hang Squat Snatch

Day 228: CF Armoury: Snatches; WOD: KB and Cindy for 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Day 227: CF Armoury: SLEDS!!! 5 RFT: Bar Facing Burpees, Deadlifts, Toes-to-Bar

Day 226: CF Armoury: Front Squat Ladder; Hero WOD: Brenton

Day 225: CF Armoury: Cleans; Benchmark WOD: Grace

Day 224: CF Armoury: 1 RM Strict Press; Retest - 1000 meter run for TIme,

Day 223: Crossfit Armoury: Muscle Snatch; Benchmark WOD: ISABEL

Day 222 - CF Armoury: Touch-n-Go Squat Clean; AMRAP Shuttle Sprint

Day 221: CF Armoury: 1 RM Front Squat; Shuttle Sprints, C2B Pull-ups, HSPU, GHD Sit-Ups, Pistols, Rope Climb

Day 220: CF Armoury: All we do is Clean ;)

Day 219: Crossfit Armoury: 2 RM Front Squat; 7 RFT: KB SDHP, HSPU

Day 218: CF Armoury: Shoulder Press; Run 1200 meter, rest, Run 1200 meter