
Showing posts from May, 2013

Day 38: There are No Racks in Life

Day 37: Deadlift and K2E

Day 36: Hero WOD: COE and jello arms

Day 35: 2 x 5 minutes WOD; everyone loves BURPEES and SQUATS

Day 34: Row, Press, Row

Day 33: TABATA style WOD, 8 rounds each

ALT Day: the WOD that I didn't go to..

Paleo... Caveman diet...

Day 32: 10 Min. AMRAP.... and RX Jump Rope

Day 31: Benchmark day.. Jackie

Day 30, Part II - the WOD.. my arms, my arms..

Day 30: Dranked the Kool-aid and never going back

Day 29: Nicole and Heat..

Day 28: Bertrand Russell WOD

Day 27: Kill Me Now WOD