
Showing posts from October, 2013

Day 90: 9 months of Crossfit; what has it done for me?

Day 89: 1RM Front Squats (retest); Benchmark Monday - Barbara

Day 88: Deload Week, Saturday; focused on techniques

Day 87: Deload Week; 18 Minute AMRAP

Day 86: Deload week; Benchmark: Elizabeth, 100 day Burpee Challenge

Day 85: AMRAP - Thrusters

Day 84: Mid-Week WOD 'GRACE'; More Back Squats

Day 83: Anabolic State, 1 RM Strict Press, 100 Kettlebell Swings and only 4 Burpees.... EMOTM

Day 82: Hero WOD: Tyler; Bad Math, bad form, equal no max

Day 81: Tabata Row, 1 RM Front Squat and of course, Burpees..