
Showing posts from March, 2015

Day 199: Partner WOD; 2 RFT: Double Unders, Overhead Squats, Pull Ups

15.4 & 15.5; Costume contest and a brutal, yet humbling final Open workout

Day 198: 3 RFT; Push Ups, K2E, Box Jumps

15.3; whats a few hundred skips between friends, while having a ball of a time...

Day 197: Team WOD: Back Squats, KB Swings, Double Unders

Still 10 reps after a year, no Pull-Ups 15.2

Day 196: 6 Minute AMRAP: 10 Pull Ups / 30 Double Unders

Scaled but moving it.... Open 15.1/15.1a