
Showing posts from June, 2017

Crossfit Salmon Arm - June 30, 2017: Strict, Push Press, Push Jerk; WOD: DU, DB Snatch

Crossfit Armoury - June 22, 2017: 4 RM Back Squats; WOD - Run 1 Mile for Time

Crossfit Armoury - June 21, 2017: KB/DB Walking Lunge; WOD: Calorie Airbike, HSPU, Run, Toes to Rings

Crossfit Armoury - June 20, 2017: Calories Airbike; WOD - Armoury Annie

Crossfit Armoury - June 15, 2017: Back Squats; WOD: 1000m Row, KB Snatches

Crossfit Armoury - June 14, 2017: Sotts Press; WOD: Double Under, Ring Push-ups, Calorie Airbikes, Pull-UPS

Crossfit Armoury - June 12, 2017: Clean and Jerk; WOD: Deadlifts, Hang Power Snatches, Overhead Squats - 21-15-9