Day 89: 1RM Front Squats (retest); Benchmark Monday - Barbara
Go for Sore!!! |
4 Minutes on BIKE
3 Rounds:
- 10 Pull Ups
- 10 Frog Squats
- 12 Meter Bear Crawl
- 12 Meter Inch Worm
- 10 Ring Rows
WOD: Benchmark - BARBARA
20 Minutes Time Cap
3 Rounds
- 20 Pull Ups
- 30 Push-Ups
- 40 Sit-Ups
- 50 Squats
3 Minute REST
Today Coach: Jodaye and Kylie
My Thoughts:
Fairly big class tonight. Never seen so may people for 7 PM class. Saw some familiar faces that I haven't seen for a while. Good to catch up briefly with her (Ashley). Also a few newer faces have joined, Michelle who started this week, and Neil from last week. Ahh, good to have new blood joining; watching this place grow.
Warm-Up; drop down this week to 90 lb assist for the Pull-ups on the Machine assist. Will try tackling the Pull-Ups with the band next time when the class is not a zoo.
SKILL; Started with the bar for 5 reps and then followed the next two sets at 2 reps and then dropping down to 1 reps until the max was found. Between each attempt, we were to do the 3 RM for DIPS. Managed to PR my Front Squat tonight. Hit 190 lbs!!! It's a good feeling to hit achieve this.
WOD; Monday night is benchmark night. Tonight was Barabara. Last time we did this was March 25, 2013. A very long time a go when comparing benchmarks. I check the WOD Benchmark binder and didn't see my name. Which means I have to check the blog site and see what my times were. There was a 20 minute cap and the rounds were drop down to 3 rounds. Looking at the previous class; not a lot of people finished the 3 rounds in the 20 minutes. There were several from the 7 PM class that just finish under the 20 minute mark. These are some of those; Leanne, my box buddy finished it in 19:57; and Chet finished it in 19:55. Way to Go!!!
As for me, comparing my previous benchmark:
March 25, 2013: 2 rounds + 12 Pull-Ups (Machine Assisted: 140 lbs)
October 28, 2013: 2 rounds + 14 Pull-Ups (Machine Assisted: 100 lbs)
Speed is about the same, 2 more Pull-Ups; 40 lbs less assist. Small progress....
Misc: 100 Day Burpees Challenge: Day 11 = 11 Burpees
So, after a gruelling WOD; a benchmark WOD for that matter. I asked the others who wanted to do Burpees. It was met with a not so nice comment(s). At the ends, Leanne decided to do hers. Of courses she hasn't been doing hers daily. She ended up doing 27 of them. Whereas, I had 21 to do since I didn't do yesterdays or today. Yeah; it was tough.. Maybe I'll get into the habit of doing them daily once we hit Day 20.
Until our next class, remember to tackling one WOD at a time!!!
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