Crossfit Armoury - November 28, 2016: More Jerks; WOD: 5 Rnds - DU and HSPU

Monday; November 28, 2016 @ Crossfit Armoury - West


Foam roll Back and Lats
Peanut Back and Lats
Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk


Work up to a HEAVY set of:
Behind the Neck Push Jerk
Push Jerk
Split Jerk

WOD Warm-Up:  

2:00 Double Under Practice
100' Bear Crawl
Test Handstand Pushups


 Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds 

50 Double Under
15 Handstand Push-Ups

Today's Coach:  Jason R.

My Thoughts:
Monday morning, and I felt awake.  A first in a long time... and I actually got to the box early (15 minutes before class start).   Started to roll out a bit before class..  I honestly thought it was just going to be me and Ray this morning.  Had some time to watch the 6 am do the WOD.   It looked fun...

Started with a foam roller and rolled out my back and shoulders.  Felt it on the shoulder this morning.  Spent some time on the lats, they too were sore.  Next we move the peanut and and worked on the Back and Lats.   Wow, this really gets into those muscles.

Setup on the rack and did 10 reps of each; Press (strict), Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk with the empty barbell.

Started with 65 lbs and built up to a 145 lbs.    Felt a bit unstable with the landing on the Push Jerk and definitely the Split Jerk.  Coach was there to advise, that I have to make sure I firmly land.  I was wobbly on my landing, thus it was not the best.  This was on the 135 lb and than the 145 lb.   Although, I think my issues is the confidence (again with that ); and how much load my knee can take.  Today was the most weight I have been able to hit with out any pain.  Which in itself is great!    I feel the strength coming back.  Will continue working on this.

WOD Warm-up;
I asked the coach what the scaling for double under is.   He suggest 100 singles, and do strict dumb bell press for the Handstand push-ups.   Coach asked us to do the 100' bear crawl, and while doing the bear crawl; make sure are head is looking back, not down on the floor.  It emphasis shoudler muscles, and as well how the handstand push up will feel.
Although, when I did hit the end of the 50' mark, I was a bit light headed.  Ray (one of the other members) had mentioned we had another 50' to go.    Wonderful...

So, my scaled equivalent for this is 100 singles followed by 15 dumbbell strict press for 5 rounds.  Dumbbell weight, was 25 lbs.   Yah, thinking I should had challenge myself a bit more and went with 30 lb.   Mind you, by the last two rounds; the 25 lb was heavy enough for each arm and I actually had to rest them on the shoudler.  Broke them down to 5 reps each.  I had tried on the fourth round to do them unbroken and that was not a smart strategy.  I would ended up taking more time to finish.   

This week, I'll try to stay to attend three classes and slowly ramp up my attendance. It certianly feels good to be back to a postive routine.   
Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

1 Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk every 45 seconds for
  12 Rounds @ 80%

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:   #rebuild #Jerk #DoubleUnder #HSPU


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