Day 65: Hero WOD: Loredo 6 rounds for time...

Monday; August 12th, 2013 - the Wall @ ROCK JUNGLE CROSSFIT


2 Rounds

-  200 meter run
-  10 Wall Balls
-  5 PVC Passes
-  12 meter Bear Crawls
-  30 Double Unders


Hang Squat Snatch

15 Minutes technique work

Hero WOD:  "Loredo"    

6 Rounds for Time

-  24 Squats
-  24 Push-ups
-  24 Walking Lunges
-  400 meter run or row

Today Coach:  Graham

Tonight's Coach:  Graham (left) with his daughter
My Thoughts:
Still in modification mode for both my Warm-ups, Skill and the Hero WOD.  Will continue with this until I am cleared by my physiotherapist.

Warm-Up; only two rounds to warm up, and the modification to it were a 200 meter Row instead, skipped the wall balls; but did the PVC passes, and spent a few minutes on bike.  

SKILL;  watch Graham demoing the new Skill called Hang Squat Snatch.   I am looking forward to performing this when I'm normal.   Graham started by having the class attempting 5 Overhead Squats, and then 5 High pulls.  He later had the class put it together and for the next TEN minutes; the class practice while he walked around assisting anyone that needed the help.    While the class did this, I went and did my modification skill.  I did Kettle Bell Swings; identical to last week 15 Swings in 90 seconds, 4 sets.   I used my current 20 kg.

My modification choice:  Purple tape Kettle Bell (20 kg)

WOD; today was not only a benchmark WOD; but it was a Hero WOD.   Name after a fallen solider, named Edwardo Loredo.  You can read more about it here, Loredo

HERO WOD Results @ 8PM; Name, Time, Run or Row
This WOD was a tough and longer than normal WOD.  I really felt it after the Fourth round.   I think I was ready to give up; but my fellow classmate Sam and Mike were cheering me on not to stop.  I just took 30 second breaks.   I was already a mess on the floor, as my arms were pretty much gone from doing push-ups.   And the other punishing portion, was my modification.  I opted to do more Kettle Bell Swings instead of the Walking Lunges.   What was I thinking?  I was using the Purple tape Kettlebell (20 kg = 44 lbs).  After the 4th round, I've had done 96 Kettle Bell Swings @ 44 lbs.  This compounded with the 60 that was done at the SKILL portion early had caught up to me.   156 KB Swings was pretty much all I could do.   I asked to coach for clarification on how many KB swing I should be doing.  12 or 24.   After some deliberation, he said that he is happy with the amount completed.   The last two rounds were probably the longest for me.   Jello arms did not help with the push-ups, but I eventually did finish.  

Misc: What made this WOD not a complete success in my mind (for myself) was after I had cooled off and started my stretching, I realized that I had made an error on the rowing.   I was only doing half the amount, 200 meters instead of 400 meters.   Not much I can do about it now.   Just a note to myself, so the next time this WOD comes up.  I can make sure I do it Rx.    For what it's worth, my time was 31 minutes and 38 seconds.

All said and done, at the end of the Hero WOD; one should have done 144 Squats, 144 Push-ups, 144 Walking Lunges and 2400 meter running or rowing.   A great accomplishment for all those who finished!

Until next time....  tackling one WOD at a time!!


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