Crossfit Armoury - December 15, 2016: Snatch; WOD: 2000 m Row, 75 Thrusters, Shuttlerun til time run out
Thursday; December 15, 2016 @ Crossfit Armoury - West |
Tubing Snow Angels
Tubing rows to Chin
Behind the Neck Press
Sotts Press
Overhead Squats
Burgener Warm-up
Work up to WORKING weight of:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
Every 20 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
WOD Warm-Up:
Dynamic Warmup
Row 250 meter
10 Empty Bar thrusters, load weight for WOD
20 Minute AMRAP
Row 2000 meter
75 Thrusters @ 95 lb (men) / 65 lb (women)
Shuttle run as many 10 meter increments as possible in time remaining
Today's Coach: Jason R.
My Thoughts:
It's gonna be a fun day today. Something about thrusters always seems to be one that whacks me hard. I'm always left breathless, dizzy and ready to pass out after a long rep session. The chipper today will once again, do that to me.
Using a rubber tubing, we were to perform 10 reps, 3 sets in alternating order: Snow Angels, and Rows to Chin. It felt good today, felt it loosen up my upper back and shoulders. Next we used the wooden dowel to work on the Behind the Neck Press, Sotts Press and Overhead Squats; TEN reps each. Coach demo each step of the Burgener Warm-up asking us to do THREE reps at each step.
Two parts today on strength; first part is to build up to the working weight of the Power Snatch and Squat Snatch. Started with 65 lbs and ended with 65 lbs. The power snatch was fine, the squat snatch was unstable after the third try. The weight used from part one will be used in Part two.
Part two; using the same weight; executing the same movement every TWENTY seconds for 5 minutes. Works out to 15 rounds; and its pretty quick, not a lot of time to recover. Like some the other wods earlier this week, and last... about two deep breaths after you lift to reset and restart the lift. I'll admit; I failed 4 times, 2 times where I need 20 more seconds to recover and 2 times where I failed on the Squat snatch. Yes, with 65 lb; I failed. More work is needed on my part with cardio/stamina aspect.
WOD Warm-up;
Worked on some dynamic warm-up; setting up the rower and then row 250 meters. Did a few thruster with the weight that I plan to use for the WOD.
My scaled weight used: 65 lb; long chipper. The 2000 meter row took 10 minutes and 18 seconds to finish. First time in a very long time that I paused three times during the row. Holly geez, what the... Broke down the thrusters to 5 reps each with a bit of recovery and grind thru them. Prior to this, had my intention of doing the in sets of 5 for 15 reps and at 75 lb. Even with the scaled weight, I still didn't finish. I was TEN shy (65 reps) for thrusters.
Hindsight; next time, take less time to recovery between sets. Can't kick myself on this, it is what it is. I just have to work on my cardio/stamina more. The strength will come back.
Misc:Hindsight; next time, take less time to recovery between sets. Can't kick myself on this, it is what it is. I just have to work on my cardio/stamina more. The strength will come back.
It's been weird for me as I do a quick analysis of myself. It comes and goes, there are days where I feel strong and other days, I feel weak. My strength is coming back in some areas, like the strict press we did the other day. Yet, things that are long (chippers), tends to zap me. Kicked to the curb I feel. Again, something thats been the underlying issue (other than injuries); is my lack of cardio/stamina. This year has been extremely challenging on so many levels. I've restarted myself and like all things; it will take time to get back to a comfortable level of fitness. The last FOUR competitions that I had done had proven, over and over.. the area that I weak at is... cardio/stamina. I guess that will be my goal going forth. There are many other areas that I will need to work on, I'll be adding this to my list to work on.
Next year, 2017 will be a fresh start for me. I have plans already in place, to hopefully get me to that level. Some personal goals, that I want to accomplish. Some short term milestones, and some long term milestones. I'll be logging my journey in this blog as I worked toward them, accomplishing them, and I'm sure any challenges will be well documented!
I always wanted to post this, and I usually forget to take a picture. So here it is, for our West end box; the top time for the Benchmark WODs. Amazing numbers... gives perspective to the caliber of people who train and work hard.
Top times for Benchmark WODs (Men and Women) at Crossfit Armoury |
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class. And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it. This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.
Pistol Progressions:
EMOM for 10 minutes:
5 Side Box Step Ups per leg
5 Single Leg sits on plates
5 Banded Pistols per leg
5 Pistols per Leg
Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!
Hashtags for the day: #snatches #rowinig #thrusters #shuttlerun #buildupstamina #icantwalknow
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