Crossfit Armoury - April 26, 2017: Handstand Walks; WOD: Clean and Jerks, Double Unders

Wall Walks (7am crew)

Wednesday; April 26, 2017 @ Crossfit Armoury - West


Walkthrough EMOM:

EMOM for 8 Minutes:
Minute 1:  1 - 2 Wall Walks
Minute 2:  30 second Planks on Hands

Walkthrough Handstand Walks, including:
Balancing on Hands
Bringing feet together
Loading through Shoulders


EMOM for 10 Minutes:
1 Around the box Rotation on hands

WOD Warm-Up:  

Work up to 70% 1 RM Clean and Jerk
2 Minute Double Under Practice


 5 Rounds For Time: 

3 Cleans and Jerks @ 70% 1 RM
50 Double Unders

Today's Coach:  Kyle L.

My Thoughts:
Sore this morning even before starting the class.  I'm hoping after the warm-up, that my body will be a bit more giving.

Started with some wall walks (starting from the ground, lying on your stomach.  Walk up the wall and bringing your body and face as close as possible to the wall, and then walk out until you are on the ground).  Minute two was just and thirty seconds in a plank position with your hands (think push-up form).  Repeat each of these every minute for 8 minutes
Lots of shoulder work today and the wall walk definitely is a start in that direction.

Coach explained to us the different stages of the Handstand walks, including how we could scale it if we don't have HS Walks.  He suggested that we work on getting ourselves into a handstand and hold it for about 10 seconds.   Making sure that we spread out our hands and fingers as wide as possible.  This would be what was applicable to me.   Of course, for whatever reason (perhaps some doubt); I couldn't even get one handstand against the wall.
After many failed attempts and mentally kicking myself in the head..   That's all I could do.  I'll have to resume my practice on this movement on my own time.   

Coach asked us all to grab a box, demoed what we needed to do.  So, you are have your feet on the top of the box, body arched over so you look like you are about to do a handstand.  However, you will be walking in that position with your hands around the box, while keeping your toes on the box.   The goal is to attempt to walk around the box within the minute.  I scaled mine and went half-way around the box, and then the next minute to go in the opposite direction.  We had 10 minutes of these movements, and if you think that doesn't do wonders on the shoulder, then you must be a super person/beast!  As for me, it just shows where I'm weak at and what I will need to work on.

WOD Warm-up;
We put back the boxes and grab an empty barbell and our skipping ropes. I think for the most part, everyone has their own ropes. It's either the RxRopes or some speed ropes.
We were to setup and build up to our 70% of our 1 RM for Clean and Jerks.    Knowing that my math sucks even more early morning; I actually pre-calculated my number the night before.
I used 115 lbs (62%), although it should had been 130 lb as the correct ratio (70%).  I just wasn't feeling it as being doable at that weight. (yup, there that doubt again rearing it's ugly head).

I asked coach if we don't have double under, was it 2x for single.  He acknowledge that and that would mean that I'll be doing 100 single per round along with my 3 Clean and Jerks.
I opted to do Push Jerks as that seems to be less of an impact on my knees.   We had 5 rounds of each of these movements , and the WOD was for time.
Short of string large number of single in one or two passes, the other issues that I felt was some very tired archs by the fourth round.   I mean, I just had to dig deep and tried to get to the next 50 singles (that's how I mentally did it, aim for 50 singles and stop if needed.  Otherwise my mind tends to wonder and then boom; I'll stumble on my skipping).

The first 3 rounds of Clean and Jerks went off without a hitch. (hindsight:  I should had gone with 130 lb).  The last two rounds was a much slower pace and I almost tripped forward on one of my C&J; call it bad foot placement.  Last round of singles was brutal.  Short of tripping up on the skipping, the bottom of my feet; especially the arches were on fire and achy. 
After the WOD was done, I had to walk awkwardly to the wall and lift on foot on it toes and then the other to stretch it.  Probably should had just sat on the ground for a while.

I finished today's WOD in 8:37.    15 C&J and 500 Singles

Skipping is an over a good workout on both upper and lower body, affecting all the muscle as shown the first picture below.   It also servers as a great way to do cardio.

source:  some random internet site with calves muscles images

I will be re-rolling out my calves and lower leg muscles tonight and tomorrow. 

Last time I did this many singles; I'm was having issues with walking or just waking up in the middle of night because my Calves muscles, my Soleus and and part of my Achilles tendon  were tight.  (see pictures below)

source:  some random internet site with calves muscles images

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

EMOM for 5 Minutes:
 5 Single Leg Side Step Ups per Leg @ M: 30" / W: 24"

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:  #rebuild #tobefitby50 #skippinghell #CleanJerk #handstandwalks #shoulderwork


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