Crossfit Armoury - April 4, 2017: Rings; WOD: 5x - Running, HSPU, Front Squats

Tuesday; April 4, 2017 @ Crossfit Armoury - West


Walkthrough EMOM:

EMOM for 6 Minutes:
Minute 1:  12 second L-Hang from Rig
Minute 2:  12 second L-Sit on Plates


Walkthrough Toes to Rings
Walkthrough Feet Elevated Ring Pushup

EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Minute 1:  30 second Strict Toes to Rings
Minute 2:  30 second Feet Elevated Ring Pushups

WOD Warm-Up:  

Group 400 meter Run
50' Bear Crawl, walkthrough Handstand Push-ups (HSPU) on box and HSPUs
Front Rack rotations, Empty Bar Front Squats, load weight for front squats


 5 Rounds for TIME: 

Run 400 meter
10 Handstand Pushups
10 Front Squats @ 135 lb/95 lb from the Ground

Today's Coach: 

My Thoughts:
With the weather getting nice, (even though it snowed yesterday and yes, it felt like a blizzard for a few hours); we are running.  I need to work on my cardio, so the best thing to do is tackle where I suck!

Coach Jason explained to us the movements for each of the minutes.   L-hang from the rig, pretty straight forward for 12 second.  Scale is to keep the knee up (think of knee up, but just keep the knee up in a sitting pose).   Minute two is L-Sit on plates.  We were instructed to use the parallette.  See picture below.  

Okay, one would think it would be easy to do the L-Sit on the Parallette.  No, no it's not..  managed to get about 3 second with my leg extended.  But if I tuck myself in a sitting position, keeping my feet off the ground.  I can last about 9 seconds before my arms started to go. 
My arms/shoulder got pretty tired by minute 5 and minute 6 and that time of 12 seconds was never achieved.  More things added to be 'worked on' list.

Coach Jason suggested that we partner up with someone and explained each of the movements, and how to scale if needed. 
The EMOM for 10 minutes works out to be 5 round split between the two minutes.  Minute 1 involves hanging from the rings and attempt to touch the toe to the ring.  Scale,  any movement from knee ups to knees to elbow.  Remember to engage your shoulder when you do all these, and they are for as many rep as possible in the 30 seconds. 
Minute 2; switch with your partner and perform the opposite movement.  This involves an elevated ring push up.  Lower the rings close to the ground, and we used 2x 45 lb plates for our feet.   Now, in the next 30 seconds; attempt to do your push up on the ring. 
Coach mentioned to us, when our strength fails on the push up; focus on doing a static plank hold on the rings for the rest of the 30 seconds.

Elevated Ring Push-up; similar to this, but we used 2x 45 lb plates
source:  internet

WOD Warm-up;
Group run for 400 meter, coach came with us as we ran the loop around the building complex. 
Grabbed an empty barbell and did one minute of front rack rotation.  This was followed with a few empty barbell front squats.  We the were told to load the weight we want to use (if we are not doing Rx) for it.   Set up for handstand push-ups (scaled it and used a box).

It's pretty straight forward.  Head out for your first round of 400 meter, come in and do 10 handstand push-up (scaled; used a box), do 10 front squats.  Repeat this process 5 times and record the time. 
I hate running, but I vowed to myself to embrace the suck and work on getting better.  That's what I'm doing..  
I do want to thank everyone who passed me at one point, Gino for pulling me to jog on round 3 when I wanted to walk.   And Jordan who was giving it everything he had on the run during the last round.  Not only could I hear him, I could see him when I looked back which then forced me to sprint to the end.  Jordan was wearing a fluorescent Orange shirt with a Superman logo.   He looked like an orange safety cone from a far.   He even joked about being the pace car for the rest of us.   

I haven't done this for a while, show my workout info.   I'll try the same on the Fitbit Charge 2.  The following graphs are from my Fitbit account using the Fitbit Surge.

The first 20 minutes of the workout and particulars

Fitbit; Love my Surge for the built-in GPS, hate my Fitbit Charge 2 ('connected gps').  I'm not running with a phone attach to my hip.   The strap on my Surge is breaking, second one (a known and common problem).  Out of warranty for the second one, but I used it anyways.  Apparently, there is a YouTube video explaining how to replace these as Fitbit doesn't.  And one can get the bands from Amazon.   Seemingly I have two Fitbit Surge (the second one was a replacement for the first).  I asked Fitbit if they want the first one back for warranty, and they said no; just recycle it.  Meh, I'll give it a try on the oldest one and see how that goes.

I've used the Surge today to log my loops around the building (400 meters), but unfortunately, on my 4 th lap; I felt a buzz during my run and I must had accidentally paused my recording.  I only notice it when I was about to start my 5th round.   Yah, nothing heart-breaking than seeing that, and of course; causing a few seconds of confusion as I start off on my run....  How many laps is this?   I'm a tech guy and I too have issues with the simple things...

So, based on the above km recorded, I'm missing 250 meters...   Today is suppose to be 5 rounds for 400 meters, which would be 2000 meters in total; not including the 400 meter group run warm-up.  I didn't turn the gps on for that.  Meh.

The drops you see above where my pace were at zero, is probably when I was doing the 10 Handstand push-ups and the 10 front squats.  

I can't really say that my cardio is improving or not.   I guess I'll know after this round of programming, and by the end of the summer/fall; I'll make an assessment.   For now, I'll just work on my injuries, eating healthier (thus shedding weight), and do as many crossfit classes as needed.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

EMOM for 5 Minutes:
 3 Snatch Balance @ 95 lb/65 lb

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:  #rebuild #tobefitby50 #rings #running #hspu #frontsquats


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