Day 11: Ugh... WOD: CF 13.3

From the wall of Rock Jungle Crossfit -

And for those who can't read the above, see below


3 Rounds

- 10 KB Goblet Squats
- 10 KB Halos (5/side)
- 10 KB Windmills (5/side)
- 10 Salutation Lunges (5/side)
- 100 Skips (or 50 Double Unders)


5,5,3,3,3    or  5x5 if < 6 months

- Week 2 of 4
+ Elbows Back and Down; use your lats!
+ Torque in Feet

WOD - Crossfit Open 13.3:

12 Minute AMRAP:

- 150 Wall balls (20/14)
- 90 Double Unders (or 180 single)
- 30 Muscle Ups

Results from today's WOD

My Thoughts:

Kudos to all those who completed and/or tried today's WOD.  I also wanted to give a shout out to my workout partner, Leanne P. for finishing the 150 Wall balls under 6 minutes (beating her personal best from the week before [wall balls] by a minute), and then ripping thru the rest of WOD in no time.    I'm glad I have you as motivation to stay on course thru the injuries and doing as much as I can with the Crossfit!
For me, a few modifications for the Warm-ups and SKILLS.  Opted out of the WOD and spent that time on the Spin bike and Pull-up machine.   Cheering on those were doing this fun Friday's WOD.

Hope everyone have a great weekend and thanks for reading!



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