Day 157: Team WOD; 3 K Row + AMRAP

Monday, September 8th, 2014 - the wall @ ROCK JUNGLE (WEST)


3 Rounds:

-  30 Double Unders  or  60 skips (single)
-  10 Point-to-Sky Push-Ups
-  10 Kettlebell Swings
-  10 Push Press with/bar
-  10 PVC Passes

A)  EMOM   x  4
      -  30 seconds  Handstand Hold



3 K (3000 meter)  ROW   - Row 500 meter then SWITCH


-  4 Box Overs (30" / 24")
-  8 PUSH UPs
-  12 SQUATS

# SCORE is the AMRAP -  REPS  (1 REP = 1 sec)

Today Coach:  Edward

My Thoughts:

3 Rounds; full sweat on after this.   60 Skips seems to have taken forever, that and the constant whipping of different parts of my body.  I'm getting about 5 singles before tripping up.  I know I'll eventually get back to a normal rhythm and string them a long (longer than 30).   Going have to order the longer rope as well.  Anyways, I digress.  

EMOM (Every Minute on Mintue), 4 times.   Attempt to do 30 seconds of Handstand Hold.  Scale accordingly.  Haven't done this for a while, received advice from Edward on moving my head forward and shoulder back.   Still being mindful of the recent injury.  But it felt strong, so I proceeded.  Turns out I was strong in the core; but was too close to the wall.   Ended up moving out on the third attempt; but I was pretty tired.   My partner managed to do the Backward Wall (up the wall) Handstand and did really well.  Holding it for all 4 times, close to 25 seconds.
TABATA; 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of REST.   Tabata are always a set of 8.  

Partner up and perform the following:  3000 meter (3 K) ROW, alternating every 500 meters.  While one partner is rowing, the other must perform AMRAP.   Restirction; reps don't count until the Rower starts rowing.  Once the rower hits 500 meters, switch with your partner.   The WOD is done when the last rower hits 3000 meter.  
SCORE is calculated by take the Time MINUS Reps; where each rep equal to 1 second.
Our score was 10 minutes and 18 seconds.  (It should actually read 10 minutes and 42 seconds).  Had to recalculate as I originally was paying attention that each rep was equal to 1 second.   I just did a simple math and well; our time was much higher (12+ minutes).

WOD Results:  Team Name / Time / Reps / Score (Time - Reps)

My returned to crossfit has shown me what I have lost in the last 5 months.   So focus on building up my strength, that my endurance has dropped.  But one can't have everything.   I'll focus on the endurance, but also on my mobility (yoga).  And continuing balancing my strength training.  I'll keep everyone posted on my journey. 
Things to work on; Handstands against the wall.  Order a longer rope so I don't kill myself with whips marks and my wife will be wondering what the heck am I really doing?!?   I had re-measured the rope and realized that it's a bit too short.  
In some ways, it feels good to do the classes.  I still crave the strength program.  I'm hoping that our coaches will fire up the Oly Lifting class as well as the Power Lifting class, soon.  It may cure the desire for most of our members from just working on the strength component.
More changes are coming for me in the near future, I'll update here as well...   Until then..

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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