Day 162: Partner WOD: Rowing Sprints 600/500/400/300/200/100 meter
Rowing Sprints: Distance (Row) / Time (min: sec) |
ROW: 600 / 500 / 400 / 300 / 200 /100 meter @ 110% (Rowing Sprints)
My Thoughts:
Saw a posting early in the morning from the 6 am class. Thought about this WOD all day and decided to come in and do it after the last class. Last class of the day is at 5 PM; no way I can make it to the gym before that time. Factoring in Rush Hour, Chaos at work; not a good day to run away early.
Asked one of my friend, Jas to come and do the WOD. Both him and I worked on some lifting prior to tackling this WOD. I did my standard, 5 x 5 Back Squats (5 rounds @ 5 reps building up to my top set at the heaviest). It's not on the board, just something to do since I missed the powerlifting side of things. Every day is leg day.. ;^)
WOD Results: Name/600/500/400/300/200/100m [minutes: seconds] |
I thought this WOD would be easy since I love rowing. It's probably one of my strong points. However, when you and your partner are almost equal for speed; there is very little time to rest.
It was a close one with only a few seconds separating us.
My time for this WOD: 7 minutes and 31 seconds. Total distance is 2100 meters.
If anything, this WOD certain made me a bit more humble.
Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!
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