Day 163: Team WOD; Back Squats, Deadlifts, Shoulder to OverHead

Monday; September 22nd, 2014 - the Wall @ ROCK JUNGLE (West)


2 Rounds:
-  30 Double Unders or 60 Singles
-  10 Kettle Bell Swings
-  10 Front Squats with Bar
-  10 Push Press with Bar




EMOM x 9
-  3 PUSH JERKS @ 75%


EMOM x 9
-  3 SPLIT JERKS @ 75%




-  60 BACK SQUATS  (Men: 95 lbs / Women: 65 lbs)
-  60 DEADLIFTS (Men:  185 lbs / Women 100 lbs)
-  60 SHOULDER TO OVERHEAD (Men: 75 lbs / Women: 55 lbs)


-  60 BACK SQUATS  (Men: 185 lbs / Women: 130 lbs)
-  60 DEADLIFTS (Men:  225 lbs / Women 155 lbs)
-  60 SHOULDER TO OVERHEAD (Men: 115 lbs / Women: 95 lbs)

*  Team of 3
*  Split Work (example:  20 of each for each Round)

Today Coach: Kylie

My Thoughts:
Looking at the WOD; saw my 3 favorite movements. 

Produced a good sweat after this warm-up.  Was corrected on my form for Front Squat.  
Practice/building up to the Push Jerk.  Any items that is broken down to more than 2 movements always screws me up.  I think it's called, over-analyzing the situation.   I could get the Push Jerk without pausing like a Robot, "think" and then attempted to resume.   Yah; that doesn't work well.
Anyways, stuck with 65 lbs to focus on my technique. 
Partner with Mark and Alex as we had to team of 3.  I knew Alex can lift as much as I can.  And Mark is some new, and he did mention that he can't Deadlift 185 lbs.  We dropped the weight down to 135 lbs.  This made it easy for us to swap/add weights (taking a 25 lb plate off each side).
We had to split the work between us and decided to do 20 of each movement.  We opted to push through the first round in 20 reps.  We opted to wait until we as a team finished one movement before moving to another.
First Round was strong for most of us.   I chose to do Strict Press @75 lbs for the Shoulder to Overhead movement.  The other two opted to do Push Press.  The coaches stated it didn't matter how you did the Shoulder to Overhead.   I opted for my favorite movement; Strict Press.
Second Round was a bit more challenging.  I saw it in their faces   Alex was taxed out on the Deadlift and opted to drop his weight from 185 to 135 lbs.  We broke down the 2nd round to doing 10 each before rotating thru it a gain.   It gave us more time to rest.  Not a lot of time, but still significant.  The Deadlift was the most challenging of them all.

Took us 21:00 Minutes to complete the WOD.

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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