Day 251: CF Armoury: 5 RM Deadlift; WOD: 3 RNDS - Box Jumps, 200 meter run, Sled Push

Tuesday; August 25th, 2015 [after 7 am class] @ Crossfit Armoury



Banded Good Mornings
Straight leg Deadlifts
Empty bar Deadlifts


Work up to 80% of 1 RM Deadlift from last week for 5 reps
or HEAVY 5 rep deadlift

5 Deadlifts, UNBROKEN with no DROPPING
10 Group Burpees for any drop
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds

WOD Warm-Up:  

Dynamic Warm-up
10 Box Jumps + Step Down
50' Sled Empty, 50' Sled weighted


3 rounds, 1 every 5:00
20 Step Down Box Jumps
200 meter Run
100' Sled Push (M: 70 lb / W: 50 lb) on the sled

Record all 3 times separately

Today's Coach: Jason

My Thoughts:
You know you are too eager to get started for class when you arrive 20 minutes before the first class of the day and there are no cars in the parking lot.   6:40 AM is NOT that early, people!!!
Thank goodness Coach Kyle was in doing his own workout, and I was able to get into the building.

Sometimes, your in your own world.  Today, I was when the warm-up started.  The class was instructed by Coach Jason to fetch a light to medium band to use for the Banded Good Mornings.

Like all things, there is a proper way to use/put on the band.   However, I just couldn't follow instructions if it was handed to me on a piece of paper with big letters and was color coded.  I think I became the morning class clown as I just ended up doing it my own way; ignoring how Coach Jason had suggested it.  And by doing it my own way, it was all wrong!  It was like trying to step into a pair of pants backwards and inside out.

The proper way is to place the band over the shoulder; gripping each side of the band like suspenders, pulling it down and then stepped into it.  Locking the band on the ground with your feet and then eventually standing up.  Yup, sound simple enough; but clearly, my way was easier!!   Even though I looked like a clutz when executing the fancy moves.   Feet first and then lift the band around my shoulder.  Yah, that's right!!    It worked.. kinda, until the band slipped off my shoulder.   At least I made the 7 am class laugh!!  :)

The rest of the warmup involved an empty barbell doing 10 reps of straight legs deadlift and a regular deadlift.

Oh, the fun begins.  I can hear Clem chirping in the background.  He's been talking about this for the last few days.   He wants redemption in his deadlift after his last week's testing of his 1 RM.  I think all of us were in similar situation with our previous 1 RM Deadlift that was not obtained when tested.  It was an off day for the 7 am class and I think for others during that day.

As for me, I had to find a safe but yet heavy enough weight to be challenging.  My true 1 RM for Deadlifts is 345 lbs.  While last time, I was only able to get up to 315 lbs.  Talking to Coach Jason; we decided to split the difference and settle with 330 lbs.  

Math time:  80% of 330 lbs works out to be 264 lbs.   I started to build up to my weight and managed to get up to 245 lbs.  It was tough at that weight and knowing myself; I asked to stay at that.  Coach Jason said it was close enough.   Fancy math tells me that works out to be 75% of my 1 RM.
Sometimes, you have to do less to save your back.   For me, I would like to workout another day.  I used my weightlifting belt and chose to do an alternate grip for each set.   Changing grip orientation after each set.   We were not allowed to re grip at the bottom of each set, nor were we allowed to drop the weight.  Any dropping would result in an immediate penalty of 10 burpees for the entire group.
I feared for my life as Clem was willing to kick my ass if I did.   /sigh

Unbroken deadlifts; 5 rounds, 5 reps each every 2 minutes.  Whatever time you finish within that 2 minutes would go toward your rest.   Form and strength starts to break around the 3rd round.   After the 3rd round; Coach Jason suggested that I make sure that I lock out my knees.  And also that when I bring the weight down, that I start to drop my hips once the bar pass my knees.  I guess I wasn't doing this when I was lowering the weighted barbell; and it appeared to look more like a straight leg deadlift.

As tempting as it was to drop my weight on the last rep of the last set, I didn't.  And the class didn't have to do any burpee penalties.   Pfew.....   I was safe from getting my ass kicked.  Yes, I did hinted and teased Clem about dropping the weight just do do burpees.   Yah, I'm a shit disturber!

WOD Warm-up;
Set up the plates for the Box Jump and step downs.  Also tested the empty sled push to see how my achilles felt.    Empty felt good, and then adding 45 lbs and later another 25 lbs.   All of it felt good and I was ready to do the WOD.   Partner up with John.

Sandbagging, a term I keep hearing from Ray and Clem.  More so from Ray who's been out for almost 3 weeks (another 7 am'er).  It's been so bad that his MIA has been reported as he has passed away to another life.   Oh Ray, you better come back before the entire box thinks this is true!  So, what would cause them to think I was sandbagging.  I suspect it has to do with my completion time I had with regards to the WOD.   Instead of a linear time that increases after each round that was completed, I did the opposite.   I actually was able to shave time off.   I managed on the last round to shave off 27 seconds from the first round.

Well, I must admit; it looks weird.  But the reason is that the first round when I came back from my run; I had to wait until my partner finish with the sled.  The second round, Coach Jason suggested that I used the other team's sled and push it since they were still running back.   And by the time my partner had pushed it back to the 100' mark, the other team would be using it.  And his prediction was correct!

The third round was the same and I actually was first to come back from the run.  I know, what!??!   John who is a runner was behind me.  I think the Box jumps took a toll on him.  I actually opted to run the full 200 meters and not stop to catch my breath as I did in the first two rounds.

So, instead of waiting for a sled; I jumped on the first available one and pushed.  I didn't even wait to catch my breath.  Just go and push!

That my friend is how I shaved 27 seconds from my first round!


Tuesday; August 25th, 2015 [final results] @ Crossfit Armoury

Kudos to everyone today who lifted heavy and pushed through the strength component.
5 Rounds (1 set  x 5 reps  @ 80% of your 1 RM Deadlift) every two minutes a is pretty damn heavy load.  Good to see no one got injured from this and also the 7 am class not having to take a penalty with burpees!

Also a shout out to Clem in staying true to his 80% of his 1 RM.   It was a heavy 390 lbs.  Way to go bud!   Your 1 RM of 500 lbs will come soon!

So after our class, we did some additional work with the Crossover Symmetry product.  Clem and I did see a few people with puzzled looks.  Those who choose to ask, tried out the product with us today.   That's two more then what we had yesterday.  Will be using this as much as we can so that our shoulders will remain functional, and healthy.

Me; Scap Jack day 2

Special thanks to Curt Manning for obtaining this wonderful gear (Crossover Symmetry).
He had left it here at Crossfit Armoury for others to use.  He did mention that he uses it before and after each of his training sessions.

If you want to follow Curt; one of the two athletes from Crossfit Armoury who went and competed at the 2015 Regionals; check out his Instagram:

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

Run 1200 meter for time

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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