Day 252: CF Armoury: Jerks; WOD: Unbroken Chipper - DU, KB Swings, OH Walking Lunge, Hang Snatch, OHS
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Wednesday; August 26, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury |
Dowel Passthroughs, jerk grip, move just from in in front of the head to behind the head
Overhead Walking Lunge 50'
Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk
Work up to a HEAVY:
2 Jerk Dips
1 Split Jerk
WOD Warm-Up:
Warm-up Double Unders
15 KettleBell Swings, Practise resting at the top!!!
Test Overhead Walking Lunge
20 Empty Bar Snatches and Overhead Squats
50 Double Unders (100 Singles)
40 KettleBell Swings UBER LIGHT!! (M: 1.5 pood / W: 1 pood)
30 Overhead Walking Lunges w a plate Plate cannot drop!!! (M: 45 lb / W: 25 lb)
20 Hang Snatches (M: 105 lb / W: 70 lb)
10 Overhead Squats (M: 105 lb / W: 70 lb)
Today's Coach: Jason
My Thoughts:
Feeling tired after the last two days workouts. Came in a few minutes early and did some rolling out on a foam rollers, specifically to the glutes. Ahhh.....
Started with the wooden dowel and did some passthroughs with the arms extended and above the head. Keeping it so that the dowel is maintained behind the head. For those who had limited mobility, Coach Jason suggested using the rack for guidance while the arms are upright and extended.
The class performed some overhead walking lunges (keeping the arms above the head). Half way into my walk, lost my balance and almost toppled over. Is this a sign of things to come?
We worked with a dowel in the sequence above with the Press, Push Press, Push Jerk and then to a Split Jerk. Coach Jason mentioned that depending on your arms length; you might have to widen the grip, but ensure that the dowel is underneath the chin while your arms is in a rack position.
Yes, I heard him saying and I tried to execute the movement. I can see the amused "look" on Coach Jason's face. It's not clicking... I'm just not getting it. My issue had to do with me pushing up before I'm full extended/"pop with the hips" on the dip. And I also had some timing issues on the push jerks.
We moved to an empty bar and repeated the last warm-up movements. I'm thinking that having some weight might help with the movement. We were are to use the rack to help with the Jerk Dips and Split Jerk.
Coach Jason took some time to explain my faults in my lifts. He wanted to reinforce the technique that I needed to fix (the depth of my dip [a few inches]) and extending upwards (hips). At the same time, the bar should leave the shoulder. To the point where the bar should hit your chin. I told him that I was a bit hesitant in popping up as I didn't want to to hit my chin! Coach Jason said, "the intention is to do it with force! If you are able to hit your chin with some weight on the barbell; then it's too light!"
I got it now. I started to add more weight to it until the bar was no longer hitting my chin... and I was able to transition to a split jerk. There were a few issues with my split jerk (specifically the foot placement). I should have it at 11 and 5 [think clock] and not at 12 and 6. Also my landing with my rear leg was not down enough (knees) and rear ankle (heels up). A few practice with no weight helped along with some guidance showing me the difference between the way I was landing and the way it should be. Stability vs instability. More practice is needed on this. I need to get this lock down.
I was able to get the split jerk up to 155 lbs. It was wobbly the first time, thus I tried it again to try to fix my error in my movement. It was better. Still, more work needs to be done here.
WOD Warm-up;
Worked thru and brought out all the gear with the particular weight that I needed for the WOD. Coach Jason suggested a weight that we can do each of the movement UNBROKEN. Played with a few weights and then scaled accordingly.
Oh skipping; how I despise you. More so when I really don't know how to skip. Coach Jason mention that I was not rotating my wrist when skipping. Wha...t?!? All this time, I've been skipping with more of my arms than my wrist. Who knew... of course, I can't make changes on the fly when in a WOD. Yes, I know; it's a small change. But mentally, I can't make those adjustments.
Anyways, the 100 singles were NOT unbroken. I had fumble a few times (many times) skipping. This is probably one of the things that slowed me down.
Next was the Kettlebells for forty reps. I picked a weight that was ultra light, but still it took a long time. Who would had thought that 44 lb is classified as ultra light. Ask me that last year and I would probably laughed and used something significantly lighter. Yes, it's not Rx.
Walking lunges with a plate; I knew by this point that my arms would be fairly taxed. The fact that we have to keep the arms locked with the plate above our head. Hindsight; I probably should had used a heavier weight, something that was 10 lbs more. Bad decision/strategy on my part.
It's only twenty Hang Snatches, so I said to myself. Used 75 lbs and found that after the first five, I started to suck air like a vacuum. And my mind got confused about the ability to drop the weight barbell to the ground or we could only rest with it in our hip crease. I opted to keep it low and in my hip crease. That worked well until I hit rep thirteen. Down came the barbell and the remaining seven were completed with two separate rests.
Overhead Squats, one of my best abilities to do. Yet, I had trouble after only 2 reps. Couldn't get my grip wide enough when I started and had to slow down my breathing. At this point, I felt like a Car Wash Vacuum, sucking all the air and possibility creating a void of oxygen for Clem to my left or Victoria to my right. Oh wait, Victoria was already done and was safely away from my vortex.
After taking a short break, I picked up the barbell and cranked out the remaining 8 reps. Yes, again; not unbroken. Damn it!
Misc:Anyways, the 100 singles were NOT unbroken. I had fumble a few times (many times) skipping. This is probably one of the things that slowed me down.
Next was the Kettlebells for forty reps. I picked a weight that was ultra light, but still it took a long time. Who would had thought that 44 lb is classified as ultra light. Ask me that last year and I would probably laughed and used something significantly lighter. Yes, it's not Rx.
Walking lunges with a plate; I knew by this point that my arms would be fairly taxed. The fact that we have to keep the arms locked with the plate above our head. Hindsight; I probably should had used a heavier weight, something that was 10 lbs more. Bad decision/strategy on my part.
It's only twenty Hang Snatches, so I said to myself. Used 75 lbs and found that after the first five, I started to suck air like a vacuum. And my mind got confused about the ability to drop the weight barbell to the ground or we could only rest with it in our hip crease. I opted to keep it low and in my hip crease. That worked well until I hit rep thirteen. Down came the barbell and the remaining seven were completed with two separate rests.
Overhead Squats, one of my best abilities to do. Yet, I had trouble after only 2 reps. Couldn't get my grip wide enough when I started and had to slow down my breathing. At this point, I felt like a Car Wash Vacuum, sucking all the air and possibility creating a void of oxygen for Clem to my left or Victoria to my right. Oh wait, Victoria was already done and was safely away from my vortex.
After taking a short break, I picked up the barbell and cranked out the remaining 8 reps. Yes, again; not unbroken. Damn it!
Stayed around for a bit and worked on my skipping using the advice that was given to me. I also heard Clem chirping behind me from the front of the gym that I shouldn't be counting when practicing my skipping. His reasoning was when he does Double unders; he can string a bunch of them together when he don't have to count. Good advice... as that will put me in a relax mode. I also took the advice that Coach Jason was sharing with another student. Focus your eyes on something fixed and then start your skip. That's what I did, I locked my gazed at the Exit sign and started the skipping. And at the same time, concentrated on rotating the wrists, not the entire arm.
Practice, practice, practice...
Meanwhile, Stacey from Optimize Physio came into the gym (they are only separated by a door - how sweet it is to have physio and massage right next to the Crossfit Gym) and mentioned to us that our orders from Rock Tape are in. I had order some Rock Guards.
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NEW GEAR - Rock Guards by RockTape |
I always forget at times to bring my long socks for when we do Deadlifts. The Rock Guards are also good for Cleans, Snatches, and of course Rope climbs. It'll be a while before I get to doing rope climbs; but might as well have them. I look forward to trying these out. I did put them on to see if the size that I order fit or if it was too small.
It's fits tight and secure |
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Feels like I'm missing something... |
Extra credit; also known as extra programming for the likes. In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition. This little nugget is the thing for you! Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand. They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class. And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it. This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.
EMOM for 9 Minutes:
Minute 1-3: 2 Squat Cleans @75%
Minute 4-6: 3 Squat Cleans @70%
Minute 7-9: 5 Squat Cleans @55%
Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!
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