Day 332: CF Armoury: Wall Ball, Pull Ups; WOD: AMRAP - Push Press, Double Under

NEW TODAY;  'assistant Coach' - Mike Kan

Wednesday; March 9, 2016 [post 7 am class@ Crossfit Armoury


20 Beat Swings
10 Pull ups
10 Wall Balls


20 minute EMOM:
4 Wall Balls
4 Pull Ups

WOD Warm-Up:  

Practice Double Unders
5 Empty Bar Shoulder Press
10 Empty Bar Push Press


 11 Minute AMRAP 

25 Push Press (M: 45 lb / W: 35 lb)
100 Double Under (scaled: 200 Single)

Today's Coach:  Kyle L 'arrivee and special guest, Mike Kan

My Thoughts:
Easing into a lighter workout prior to doing our testing (16.3), the programming is set so we have two heavy days (Monday/Tuesday), and the rest of the week is lighter.  Allowing for a good workout during the week and enough time to rest prior to our testing, the Open.

Tried my best to do the 20 beat swings.   Had to really focus on keeping my shoulder active while doing this.. I need to work on this a bit more...   Another item added to my list.
Set up the station for Wall balls (got the standard 20 lb wall ball) and pull down the rings, which was used as a substitute for Pull-Ups

This was a fairly light load for the workout.   We just had to make sure we hit the target right in the center when doing the wall balls.    I scaled and used the rings to do the Pull-ups.   Surprisingly, I didn't look at the clock until we will 11 rounds in.  I think most of the class didn't look until then.

WOD Warm-up;
'Assistant coach' Mike wanted us to focus on practicing our double unders.  He gave me some advice, similar to what the guys (7am crew) were telling me.  And as well, that it took him a full week (dedicated to learning double unders).   I'll put this as one of the things that I will focus on more, specifically starting next week.  
Grabbed an empty bar to use for the WOD, but for the interim; practice doing 5 shoulder press and 10 push press.

We have 11 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible.   For me, (scaled the skipping to SINGLES; which mean it's 200 singles).   It's gonna be a long one.   The first round, 25 push press was nothing.  However, 200 singles took a bit of time as I got more tired (my arches on my feet) started to hurt.   When I looked at the clock; it was 6 minutes and 34 second remaining.   I had spent 4 minutes and 26 seconds to chug thru..  
Second round of this, I had to break the Push press down into sets of 5 and rest on my shoulder.  The skipping was a bit easier, less stops..   I managed to finish that a little over a minute and 38 seconds left.    Third round of Push press; managed to do them completely unbroken (no idea where that burst of energy/endurance came thru).   But I did stumble on the my first 5 singles.    Once I got under way, it was fine.   It was more about calming myself and getting into that rhythm.  
I managed to finish with a score of 3 + 86.   75 Push Press and 486 singles.

Gawd my arches are killing me...  I had a bit of trouble walking....   but it's done.  it definitely was a great "light" workout!  

I'm going to follow my personal schedule and take tomorrow completely off from training and like almost everyone who's doing the Crossfit Open; I'll be glued to the computer or the TV screen around 6 PM to see what 16.3 brings.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

150 Hollow Body Rocks for Time

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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