Day 36: Hero WOD: COE and jello arms

Monday; May 27th, 2013 - the wall - Benchmark day:  Hero WOD - 'COE' @ ROCK JUNGLE FITNESS


3 Rounds

-  100 Skips or 30 Double Unders
-  10 Wall Squats
-  10 Press with bar
-  10 PVC Passes
-  10 Push-Ups



  5 x 4

1 Jerk  After last Front Squat


Results @ 8PM.   Name, Weight, Time
10 Rounds of:

- 10 Thrusters (95/65)
- 10 Ring Push-Ups

Coach:  Jodaye

My Thoughts:

Benchmark day today; and to top it off; it was a Hero WOD called 'COE'.

Last time we did this was back in February 1st, 2013.  It was our first week, the third day of Crossfit.  My blog entry was called WODing for the weekend!

After all this time, it's still hard to do.  Arms are like jello; and running out of breath throughout the entire workout.   It's one thing to do the thrusters; but it's another when you have to do Ring Push-ups afterwards.

I did some comparison to what I did back when I had started this journey.  The biggest change was that I didn't taken any weights off (last time I took 20 lbs off and used the bar); but kept it at 65 lbs, all the way to the end.

I also managed to shave 2 minutes and 52 seconds off my time.  Yah for me!!!  My little celebration cheer! 

In the end, what you have accomplish is 100 Thrusters  and 100 Ring Push-ups.   It's an accomplishment no matter how long it takes.    

Wanted to send out a KUDO to all RJF'ers who came out and did this WOD!   :)

Now, it's time for rest and remember;  tackling one WOD at a time!!


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