Day 71: Benchmark Monday: Hero WOD 'DT'

Monday; August 26th, 2013 - the wall @ ROCK JUNGLE CROSSFIT


3 Rounds

-  100 Skips or
     30 Double Unders
-  10 Wall Squats
-  10 PVC Passes
-  25 meter Straight Arm Bear Crawl
-  25 meter Jog
-  10 Kettle Bell Swings
-  10 Clean Pulls with Bar



Hero WOD: "DT"

5 ROUNDS of:

-  12 Dead Lifts

-  9 Hang Power Cleans
-  9 Hang Clean Pulls   <--- If Less than 6 months

-  6 Push Jerks

Rx - (Men 155 lbs / Women 110 lbs)

Today Coach:  Jodaye

My Thoughts:

WOD Results @ 8PM;  Name, Weight, Time
Warm-Up; Our coach today mention that we have to do the Wall Squats correctly.  Failure to do it properly would result in an automatic 50 burpee penalty.  She demoed how we should do the Wall Squats.  No touching of the walls, and ensure that our elbows are straight while squatting.  Also keep both thumbs touching, and looking up as you squat.  It made it a lot more challenging than before.  Obviously, everyone took their time and focus on technique.  
Another new thing today was doing the "Straight Arm" Bear Crawl.  It was bad enough remembering to alternate arm/foot placement, but now with the straight arm.  Well, maybe it's hard for us who over think things... (that would be me).

SKILL; Overhead Squats; partner up with Chet.  Worked with him on the technique.  Peter was nearby and mention that he should consider doing some yoga to help out with some flexibility/mobility.

WOD; tried a single pass of the Hang Power Clean @ 95 lbs and it was too much weight.  Dropped it down to 75 lbs.   It's better to be safe, than over-doing it.  My concern was not as much as the weight for the deadlift or the Push Jerk; but my weakest movement (Hang Power Clean).  I haven't done enough Hang Power cleans to justify the heavier weight, that combined with 5 rounds.    I know this benchmark will come again in three to four month.  I can work on increasing my weight then. 
Rx for this WOD is (Men 155 lbs / Women 110 lbs)

Just a note, this is a Hero WOD.  You can read more about the fallen Hero, DT

Until the next class; tackling one WOD at a time!!!


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