Day 68: Benchmark WOD: Nancy
Monday; August 19th, 2013 - the Wall @ ROCK JUNGLE CROSSFIT |
3 Rounds
- 100 Skips or
30 Double Unders
- 10 Wall Squats
- 10 PVC Passes
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Spiderman Push-Ups
5 Rounds
- 400 meter Run
- 15 Overhead Squats (Men 95 lb / Women 65 lb)
Today Coach: Jodaye
My Thoughts:
WOD Results @ 8PM; Name, Weight, Time |
SKILL; one of my weaker skill and definitely glad to see this. Managed to make it to 65 lbs for the Overhead Squat. A first in a long time. First two sets was just the bar, and the last three sets were at 65 lbs. Jodaye came by and kept reminding me to keep my heel planted to the ground.
WOD; silly me (I call it my ego) and started with 65 lbs. I managed to get two set of OHS; but on my third set... it was too heavy. Jodaye allowed me to drop the two 10 lb plate and it was now just the bar. Our modification was doing 400 meter row instead of the 400 meter running. This is still very taxing on the system.
I looked back at the last time I did Nancy (April 29, 2013) I managed a better time of 16 minutes and 21 seconds. But I was just using an aluminum bar (not exactly sure on the weight; but definitely less than the 45 lb naked bar) and running.
This time, I was using 65 lbs and then after the finishing the second set, just 45 lbs for the remaining sets of Overhead Squats. The other modification was Rowing instead of Running. Time was 19 minutes and 17 seconds. I really can't compare Apples to Apples here. So I guess I will have to wait until I'm back to running and then try this Benchmark on my own. One of the negative aspect of being injured.
Until next time, keep at it and tackle one WOD at a time!
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