Day 69: Row Row Row as fast as you can!

Appropriate for tonight's WOD - Rowing Sprint

Wednesday; August 21st, 2013 - the Wall @ ROCK JUNGLE CROSSFIT

WOD Results @ 8PM;  Name, Time 1, Time 2, Time 3


4 Minutes on Bike

3 Rounds

-  10 Kettle Bell Swings
-  10 Frog Squats
-  10 Sit-ups
-  10 Slo-mo Burpees with Push Ups


    5    x    5



-  500 meter

3 Minute REST

-  1000 meter

5 Minute REST

-  500 meter

Today Coach:  Jodaye

My Thoughts:

Warm-Up; started off with the bikes for four minutes, and then continue with the rest of the 3 rounds of warm-ups.   No modification needed for anything today.   That made me feel great!

SKILL; it's been a while since I done Sumo Dead Lifts.   Managed only 185 lbs, down quite a bit from the normal deadlift.    Mind you, it's 5 sets, with 5 reps each so... I can see that being the case.   Oh well, I'll build strength and remember that NOT everyday is a PR day.

WOD; rowing sprint.  The initial time you finish for the First round (500 meter), will be the time you will try to beat on the Third round of 500 meter.  Of course, before you get to that, you have to do another 1000 meter row sprint.   The allocated time for REST, it's best to use this time wisely.   I found that after the 1000 meter row, my shins were sore.  I use that time to do some stretches for my shins, walked around... drank some water and refocus for the last round.

Remember, the only competition here is yourself!  And yes, I did beat my TIME 1 by FIVE seconds.
My results -  Time 1 (500 meter):  1:58  Time 2 (1000 meter): 4:09   Time 3 (500 meter); 1:53

Looking forward to our next workout, until then...    tackling one WOD at a time!!!


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