Day 77: 10 Minute AMRAP with Squats, Double Unders

Friday; September 13th, 2013 - the wall @ ROCK JUNGLE CROSSFIT


4 Minute Bike

3 Rounds

-  10 Wall Squats
-  10 PVC Passes
-  10 Push-Ups (lock shoulder)
-  10 Kettle Bell Windmills  (5/side - use light KB; its not about weight)
-  10 Body Circles (5/side)


DIPS    4  x  4

in between

30 seconds L-SIT

WOD Results @ 6PM; Name, Rds + Reps, Sit-Ups

10 Minute AMRAP
                   (As Many Rep As Possible)

-  20 Squats
-  20 Double Unders
    or  60 SKIPS


2 Minute AMRAP

Today Coach:  Edward

My Thoughts: 

Warm-Up;  to start, use the bike to warm up for 4 minutes; followed by 3 rounds of fun.  Kettle Bell Windmills; we were to use light weight, as it's not about how much to use.. but form/technique.  We were instructed to back up against the wall, and not to lean forward. 

SKILL;  DIPS; use the assisted machine, with a 90 lb assistance.  the L-SIT on the machine was hard.  I really need to work on my core.  First two round were do-able, but by the third round.  I could hold my legs up for more than ten second at a time.  Challenging yes..

WOD;  10 Minutes to do as many as rep as possible, you can do a lot of Squats in that time.  However, at some point, you'll find yourself pushing thru that pain (lactic acid) building up in your quads.  Modification; was bike (15 peddle revolution on right side, followed by 15 peddle revolution on left side) instead of the skipping.
All said and done; 155 Squats and 7 rounds on the bike (in 10 Minutes), 48 Situps (in the 2 minutes) for the finisher.   A good workout to start the weekend.

Hope everyone have a great weekend!!  Thanks for reading and remember
to tackle one WOD at a time!!!


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