Day 130: Modified 14.2 WOD or 5 Min AMRAP WOD
Monday; March 10th, 2014 - the Wall @ ROCK JUNGLE |
Today, everyone got a chance to try doing a modified version of the 14.2. But for all those who had competed in the 14.2 Open; the could opt to do a 5 Minute AMRAP consisting of 1 Squat Clean and 1 Jerk @ (165 lb - Men/ 110 lb - Women)
Remember to tackle one WOD at a time!!
Strength Coach: Bryan Y.
Bryan had set a rough guideline that I should be increasing my weight by 5 to 15 lbs each week depending on the exercise. Strict Press increase in weight might be only 2 lbs a week.
He also introduced some supplement exercises specific to me. As we had found last week during some of my exercises that I'm particular weak in m calves. I think the multiple times that I have injured myself in the achilles has lead to a few weaken muscle(s). Therefore this is one of the many reasons that I have decided to focus more of my training on strength. I definitely need to increase strength across the board. But I have many goals where this will benefit me.
Warm-Up (8 reps);
- prisoner squat (hand clash behind the head, and perform a squat keeping body upright)
- squat with a 25 lb plate held with the edge on the head and arms in a 90 (L shape)
- Overhead Squat with the bar (45 lb)
- Front squat with bar rack across the shoulder, arms straight out, bar should be against the neck.
- Back Squats
- Strict Press
- Barbell Row
- Dumb bell Bench Press (35 lb each arm)
- Lat Pull Downs
Post Strength:
- Calve Raises on a box
- Roman Chair Leg Lift
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