Crossfit Armoury - Week 3: Mobility, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting

Preventative Maintenance:

Mobility Class - Monday

Mobility schedule for September 2015

Mobility Instructor:   Arri M.

Today, we worked on Elbow, Wrists and Knees.   We did a dynamic warmup which included bunny hops for 50' and then walking on our heels back in the opposite direction for 50'.

Afterwards, we were to partner up and used the Voodoo Floss.  My partner was Franky.  We would take turns wrapping the Voodoo Floss on the left arm and then the right arm.

 - Flossing Arm and Elbow
 - Flossing upper thigh/groin/hamstring
 - Flossing lateral knee

I found a link that showed some of the movements that we did today in class:

After each of the wrapping of body part, we were to perform movement that would impact that area.   Ie.   Perform 15 air squats if you had floss your upper thigh/hamstring.  Then remove the flossing so you feel the blood rushing back into that specific body part.

Arri mentioned that if you do Squats, you should floss.  Voodoo or some other voodoo like band.

Voodoo Floss via Rogue Canada:

Photo Credit:

Afterwards; we used a massage stick to roll on the previous partner.  This is where you get to inflict pain!!!

Here are some of the massage sticks available via Rogue:

Here are a few that I saw at our crossfit box, similar if not the actual ones.

Pro-tec Roller massager:

photo credit:


photo credit:

Massage Roller Stick with 6 Gears:

photo credit:

The thought of inflicting 'feel good' pain on your mobility partner is almost diabolic.  But remember, they will do the same to you. Your goal is help find the muscle knots, and help reduce muscle soreness and discomfort.  However, when you use one of these rollers; your muscle soreness is felt right away.

I managed to grab the massage roller stick that looks like the one with 6 gears.  Knobby, just to get in there deeply.   I volunteer to go first and my partner managed to find some knots around my elbow area.  Yikes, I'almost screamed when he worked on those knots.  After some time of grimacing, it was time to switch.
I will say, that I had found a few on my partner and was smirking inside when rolling that damn massage stick.
I guess this might be another gear to pick up to use at home.    I think my house is turning into a mini-gym.  I just hope my dog doesn't get too interested in it and take off with it thinking it's a chew toy or a stick.  /sigh

Advance Skill Development

Gymnastics Class - Thursday

Today's Coach:  Kyle S.

Warm up:

Used a dowel to do some shoulder pass throughs, and then use a 5 lb plate (in the form of a forward and backward windmill rotation - slow).  Coach Kyle instructed us to put the dowel thru the 5 lb plate and do 10 shoulder pass throughs.

Thursday; September 3, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury

7 ROUNDS (28 Minute EMOM):

Minute 1:  15 to 30 seconds SHOULDER TAP/ (Scale:  Wall-Walk)
Minute 2:  15 V-Ups w Press @ Top
Minute 3:  15 to 30 seconds Handstand Hold
Minute 4:  15 second Tight Core Hold

My Thoughts:
The workout today is to focus on building up the Handstand Walk.   7 rounds, with each round focusing on 4 movements.   Total of 28 minutes of work. 

Whats not to love than working on something that you see so many skilled crossfitters do.  Well, the first part is to build upon the techniques, core and shoulders strength.

Minute 1 focus the ability to transfer the weight onto each shoulder/arm.  As you do a handstand walk; you will be alternative the entire weight of your body onto one side of the shoulder/arm.  The shoulder tap builds on that premise.   For those who are building up to that level, we were to perform Wall-walks (that would be me.. and one other person in the class).

Minute 2 and 4 focused on building up the core; something that most athletes/crossfitters are lacking.  Coach Kyle mentioned that he wanted us to know what it feels like when you have a tight core and how it will play an important part of the handstand walk.

Minute 3 focused on building on your core and shoulder mobility.   It's important as this also impact when you do overhead squats or having any weight over your shoulder.  When you are in a handstand hold; you want to have your arms full extended and have a stable shoulder.

Knowing that handstands is not a strong area for me, I knew that I would be hitting the wall sooner than later.   By the third round; I was starting to feel it on the shoulders.  Additional rounds started to hit my core (it was loose) and I wasn't' able to maintain the handstand hold for as long as the previous rounds.   I think I began to drop down from the Handstand Hold after 15-20 seconds.  Shoulders were pretty much toast by the 6th and final 7th round.  

Yup, I know where my weakness are and what I have to do.  More practice, more classes, more everything.  Adding more to my list of things to work on.  

Olympic Lifting Class - Saturday

Today's Coach:   AJ F.

Saturday; September 5, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury

My Thoughts:
Today, we had AJ F. as our Olympic lifting coach.  She is one of the other Crossfit Coaches that I don't get to train with that often as I'm usually attending the 7 am class.  Although, she did coach one of the 7 am class a few weeks ago!
Coach AJ has a back ground in Olympic lifting and I have seen videos of her competing.  She does have her CF Olympic lifting and her NCCP Level 1 Weightlifting, among many others.  Check out the Armoury Coaches' Bios here:

We initially warmed up with a wooden dowel and went through the motions of each of the movements for the workout.  Afterwards, we moved to the an empty barbell and repeated the movements.

Workout A:  1 Squat Clean with a 3 second pause above the knee.  
I had some issues here and oddly forgetting where the bar was with my knee.  Initially, I was not moving my knee far enough back when I was bringing up the bar (the bar was not following a straight line upwards, instead the bar was moving around  the knee).   The next movement which would require me to push my knee forward and allow me to pause above the knee with the barbell was lost on me.   I don't know why it was so hard for the first 10 minutes.  Once that position was correct, I wasn't spending the 3 seconds pause that I need to be above the knee before performing the squat clean.   Coach Jason who wasn't teach Olympic lifting class was lurking around [he just finished teaching the 9 am crossfit class] and came by to check on my lift.  He suggested that I move my shins back more.   It took a few tries to get all that correct.   I think at one point, I had my legs so straight, that I was performing more of a straight leg deadlift.  Coach AJ pointed it out to me and gave me some additional cues to work on.   Weight was not that high (85 lb) on this as it was more of getting the technique down.  

Workout B:  1 Power Clean + 1 Fast High Hang Squat Clean
Coach AJ suggested we strip the weight off and start with the bar to go through the motion.  One of the issues I had encounter was the lack of ability to fully extend my arms straight when I transition from the Power Clean to the High Hang Squat Clean (specifically when the bar hits the Hip).  My arms would either be bent or I would end up curling my lift (barbell and weight).  Coach AJ had me try moving my hand placement further apart.  I had moved my hands to where I normally would do a snatch with.   Great to keep my arms straight, but failure occurred when I tried to do the Squat Clean.  We played with the hand placement and finally settle with me using 1 thumb distance away where the smooth part of the bar meets the knurling (see pictures below).  Or to get a better idea, see the second picture.

photo credit:

photo credit:

I did ask if this movement was suppose to feel awkward, and it was confirmed it did.  :(  Okay, well; I just need to practice this movement for a while.   Again, it's all about technique and the weight I ended up using was 85 lb.

Workout C:  Work to a HEAVY 3 Rep  Split Jerk

We used the rack to load our weight up.  Otherwise, lifting it up would result in a Clean & Jerk; which is NOT what we are working on.

Platforms and the rack where we are loading the weights

Coach AJ came around and suggested that I keep my core tight.  A few cues were added and I had questions about my feet placement.  Remembering cues from Coach Jason, I was worried that my feet placement were more 12 and 6 position than 11 and 5 position.    She suggested that when my front foot lands, I should try to angle my foot inwards.  This will provide some additional stability to help push off with when the weight is over head and you stepping back to the upright standing position.   I also needed to work on my bending my rear leg at the knees more with my heels more upright.    More practice is needed.

The weight I built up to for my HEAVY
 (155 lb) - 3 rep for the Split Jerk


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