Day 255: CF Armoury: Heavy Dead lifts; WOD: 14 minute EMOM: False Grip Pull up, Muscle Up attempt

Wednesday; September 2, 2015 [after 7 am class@ Crossfit Armoury



Banded Good Mornings
Straight legged dead lifts
Empty Bar Dead lifts


Work up to 85% of 1 Rep Max or HEAVY 4 rep Deadlift

4 Reps @ 85% every 1:45 for 6 rounds

WOD Warm-Up:  

20 Beat Swings on rings
Walk-through and practice hip drive
Focus on straight arms and pushing on the rings!

WOD:   14 Minute EMOM:

Minute 1:  3-5 False Grip Pull-ups or 3-5 Hips to Rings (Ring Row to Hips)
Minute 2:  1 Muscle up Attempt (1 transition to support), if you hit, attempt a second rep/third..

Today's Coach:  Jason

My Thoughts:

Expected some flak from Coach Jason since the last time I tried to do the banded good mornings; I had ignored him and did my own way.  Instead I had Clem lecturing me on how to put on the band correctly before starting to do the ten Good Mornings.
Used an empty barbell to work on stiff legged Dead lifts (10) and then regular dead lifts (10).

I finally got a chance to use my RockTape Rockguards.   I wanted to see how well they would protect my shin when I start lifting my weights, especially with Dead lifts.   I can honestly say; they do a great job.  No scuffing of the shin.

Coach Jason did joke about my wardrobe choice.  I'm probably missing the compression shirts, as I'm fully covered in neoprene from ankle up to above my knees.  I also had my Rehbrand Knee sleeves on.  Yeah, I know... 

My weight lifting belt
We had 10 minutes to build up to our personal 85% of our 1 RM Dead Lift.  I can definitely tell you that I was not close to hitting my 85% today.   My expected 85% should had been 280 lbs; but sadly, I only hit 255 lb.   I don't know if it's a mental thing right now as I'm siding on the side of caution after my injury or a bit of confidence issue.   Whatever it is, I need to get over it.  It's beginning to impact a lot of my workouts.  I can't keep going on with this lame excuse.   I'll need to focus on what my cause is, and how I can go about resolving this.   Otherwise, it'll eat me away (like it has so far this morning.   I'm probably going thru some "grumpiness", disappointed with myself and pissed off in other ways.  Which is not a good way to end a workout.  The intention in my workouts is to feel release, getting rid of my negative energies, feeling accomplish.  Today was not that for me.

The second part of the strength was to perform 4 reps of the above weight every 1 minute and 45 seconds.   We were to do 6 rounds of this.  I put on my lifting belt (weightlifting belt); although I might go and try a different one.  One that is more flexible that I see a few other Crossfitters are wearing.  I believe they are called Metcon Belts.
The intention is it provides support for the Heavy lifts and the ability to quickly come off/on.  They use a velcro to allow for ease of being tightened or loosen.
As for the dead lifting, I used an alternating grip when lifting, and I alternated direction of the hand/wrist after each set.

WOD Warm-up;
Hanging from rings while trying to do 20 beat swings is not easy.   Well, first; I had to find a set of rings that I could hang from and it wasn't too short.   Then the next thing was to get use to the feeling  to do beat swings on rings (non-static) that isn't normally the bar from the rack (stationary).  It was very interesting....
Coach Jason also showed us the scaled version of each movements from the WOD.

Used a false grip while trying to do Hips to Rings for the first minute.  Executed initially 5 attempts, and later down to 4 attempts as we got closer to the end.  Minute two was modified to do Muscle Up transition, taking the skilled learned from Minute 1 and applied to this movement.

I ran out of time after class to work on my Crossover Symmetry.  I was too busy mentally beating myself up / re-analyzing where I went wrong with the dead lifts.   I tend to do this a lot.   Sometime I think I'm doing this for the better, to motivate and push myself.  Other times, I think it's a negative thing.

Tomorrow will a be a new day and a new challenge.  Will be attending the gymnastic class in the evening.  Hopefully, with the 30+ hours of rest between session, I should be feel a bit more prep.  Rest is so damn important, I wish I had more time.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

RUN 1600 meter for time

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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