Day 257: CF Armoury: 75 BS for time; 15 min AMRAP UNBROKEN: Ring Dips, T2B, HSPU, PullUps, DU

Wednesday; September 16, 2015 Crossfit Armoury



Empty Barbell Waterfall Squats  (10 total)
Load Back Squat weight


75 Back Squats for Time:
50% 1 RM Back Squat, or BW (0.75 BW), whichever is lower
* 10 Burpees every time you have to re-rack or drop the bar

WOD Warm-Up:  

50 Double Unders
Bear Crawl 50'
Crab Walk 50'
Bunny Hop 50'
6 Unbroken reps of movement/scaled movement

WOD:  15 Minute AMRAP - Unbroken  

6 Ring Dips
6 Toes-to-Bar
6 Handstand Pushups
6 Pull-ups
20 Double Unders (40 Singles)

Today's Coach:   Jason

My Thoughts:
Well, after some chirping and motivation from my 7 am crew.  I've decided to rejoin the pack and do my time.   I talked to Coach Jason and modified the WOD to minimize the impact on my shoulder.  Squats does not impact my shoulder (and thankfully the weight I used didn't have any negative impact).  Plus, I needed to get back into my workout routine.  Otherwise, I'll scream from boredom!

There was four of us in the 7 am class. Coach Jason asked us to pick up an empty barbell, come into a square.   The intent was to do a back squat starting with one person and when he/she has return to an upright position; the next person (in clock ward motion) would do his/her back squat.  We did this for 10 reps.
Once this was done; we loaded the barbell with our weight.

I opted to use the 50% of my 1 RM (275 lb) method; 135 lbs (rounded down from 137.5).  If I used my 0.75 of my body weight; it would been significantly heavier.
Our penalty for dropping the bar or re-racking  is 10 Burpees.  Perform after our broken set.
I ended up doing 3 rounds of burpees (I had to re-rack after 20 reps).   The last 15 was the hardest as I managed to crank out 8 reps before tiring out.  Grinding thru the last 5 was a bitch!  But thankfully Gino was there to help push me.   Again great thanks for him and Coach Jason for cheering on the last few bitter back squats!

WOD Warm-up;
Worked on my bear crawl for 50' just to see how my shoulder felt.  It was tolerable, and I was quite a bit slow.  I needed some time to recover after my 75 back squats.  A few more minutes than the rest of the class.  Which indirectly impacted my warm-up time.

Coach Jason modified my WOD for my shoulder injury.  I ended up doing the following 15 minute AMRAP - Unbroken:

 - 6 calorie row
 - 6 sit ups
 - 6 wall push-ups (using an empty bar racked)
 - 6 pull-ups (using the same empty bar racked, but from the other side)
 - 40 single under

I managed to get 4 round + 6 calorie row in within the 15 minute time cap.   I wasn't fully recovered from the 75 back squats.  That's what hurts.

Injuries sucks.. but thank goodness for having a physiotherapist next door.  Better yet, a physiotherapy and sports clinic next door.  Check out Optimize Physiotherapy if you don't have one.
After a 35 minute cool down, I went to my appointment afterwards to have work done on my shoulder.  Arri found a couple of good (sore) spots to work on.    He mention that my shoulder and traps are much less tense/stiff since Monday.  He taped me up with the Rock Tape and I had made another appointment for Friday morning.   I like to get this dealt with as soon as I can and return to my full potential.
Arri did suggest that I avoid heavy weights overhead and as well as minimize the amount of pulling (deadlifts).  He did mention today that I can start light with some overhead and see how it feels.  And I also asked about Kettlebell swings.  Arri mentioned to bring them up to eye level when I'm swinging and see how that feels  And if it does feel good, use a lighter weight to do the swing to overhead.  It's easier to scale up than going heavy and be back to square 1 with an aggravated injury; which will then lead to an bummed out Crossfitter.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

5 Rounds for total time:
  Handstand Hold against the Wall
  REST 2 minutes between attempts

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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