Day 258: Forged by Fire Crossfit: 1 RM Thrusters, Split Squats, Sled Push

Forged by Fire Crossfit

1. Warm-Up

20 air squats
40 m straight leg bear craw
60 sec single leg hip bridge. Each 10 sec switch legs. Athletes may break this up if needed. Scale is both feet on the floor. Laying on your back, raise your hip by contracting your glutes. With the single leg drill, straighten the leg.
20 Assisted Pistol squats – Pistol to bench and use rings. No crashing down.
80 m low lateral stepping (20 m left, 20 m right x2). Should be in ¼ squat position)

2. Max Effort Thruster

Thruster 1 Rep Max
Take 15 min to build to a 1 rep Max Effort Thruster. From the rack.
Get there in 9 sets and break as follows.

1st set: 5 reps at 25% % of 1 rep max or estimate of max
2nd set: 5 reps at 35%
3rd set: 3 reps at 45%
4th set: 3 reps at 55%
5th set: 1 rep at 65%
6th set: 1 rep at 75%
7th set: 1 rep at 85%
8th set: 1 rep at 93%
9th set: 1 rep at 101-105%

3. Lower Assistance

3 x 20 reps (10 per leg) Split squats with rear foot elevated on box. Rest 60 sec.
Perform at weight that allows you to go unbroken.

6 x 50 m sled push moderate weight. Conversational pace. Rest as needed. 1/2 bodyweight on concrete.

Today's Coach: Sam L.

My Thoughts:
Thought I would change it up a bit today by going to a different box.

Forged by Fire:
They are located south central of Edmonton.  Here's their address:

7371 104 Street NW
(Corner of Calgary Trail and University Avenue)
Edmonton, Alberta

Tel:  587-469-8553

I've been meaning to drop in on these guys since they had open.  It's always good to see friends that you met in the past at another box, and later they pursue their dream of opening their own Crossfit box!

I came with two friends to Forged by Fire, and since we were new to the box; we all did the round robin method of introducing our selves to each other as suggested by Coach Sam.

Afterwards, Coach Sam demo each of the movements that we were to do with the warm-up.  He emphasis proper technique when performing an air squat.   Afterwards, we did a 40 meter straight leg bear crawl (essentially from one end of the box to the other end and back).
Next was the Single Leg Hip Bridges; he wanted all of us to start this at the same time.   Yup, it was hard to keep my hips up high, even if it was for 30 seconds.  We alternated legs and did the same on the other one.
Assisted Pistol squats; this is something new for me.   I used the rack to help brace myself as I attempted to squat down with one leg extended straight in front of me.   I found, I could only go down so far before having to come back up.  It didn't look like a pistol, more like an attempt at one (a bad attempt for that matter).   We were to do twenty of these.
Low lateral stepping, in a 1/4 squat posItion [which essentially was WHAT my pistol stance for the previous movement looked like] for 80 meters (2x [20 meters left and then 20 meters right]).

Afterwards, we were told to get a barbell and start loading up the weight to build up to a 1 RM Thruster.
Seemingly, I'm still having issues with my shoulder.  Thrusters would not be a good start for me.  I asked for modifications to their planned workout.  I had initially thought I could do Front Squats; but they did mention that a load will be placed on the shoulders at the higher weight.  It was suggested that I do Back Squats instead.   Sure!, I said [but in the back of my mind; I just did a high volume back squat the day before.]  (75 back squats @ 135 lb for time).   Ugh!
Okay, no point of being negative; just stay focus and just DO!   I used the format that was on the board for building up to the 1 RM THURSTERS, but did Back Squats instead.
I was quite pleasantly surprised that I managed to increase my weight by 10 lbs over my previous 1 RM.   I now have a new PR of 285 lb on my back squats!!!   A new WIN for me and a great way to kick of my first workout at Forged by Fire Crossfit.

Lower Assistance:
Barbell Split Squats using a bench; with one leg on the bench while holding a barbell with a certain amount of weight on your back (I used 65 lb) and then squat with one leg.   Alternating legs every 10 reps, and then resting for 60 seconds.   We are to do 3 rounds of this.  This was not easy!
photo credit:
Sled push (6 rounds x 50 meters); which was the length of the Crossfit building (25 meters).
Since we had a few more men than women, it offered a few extra minute of rest.   Men were push 150 lb (3x 45 lb plate and a 15 lb plate).

Women were pushing between 60 lb to 105 lb, depending on who was pushing.  Scaled according to the individual.

First 4 rounds were fine, the last two rounds.... you start to breath a bit more rapid.
All was good, and we did finish a few minutes before the women.  We cheered them on to finish.   It was great workout!

Both Sam and (Warren; who was there, but wasn't coaching the class) were telling me that this was a deload week for them.  The had mention that their box is a Strength and Conditioning facility.  Their WOD's are posted daily on their website under the heading of Schedule.   You can view previous workout/WOD there.


Thought I would throw this out there...  Forged by Fire Crossfit is having their Grand Opening this Saturday.  Come and check them out!!  Especially if your curious about Crossfit, live in South Central area of Edmonton; come on out and meet your new crossfit community!!   It's all about the people!

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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