CF Armoury: Competitor Program Open Forum - December 5, 2015

SATURDAY; December 5th, 2015 -  Competitor Program @ Crossfit Armoury

The premise of this group is:

for CrossFit Competitors in Edmonton who have, are, and will continue to attend weekly meetings to discuss CrossFit Competition Preparation. Weekly group meetings will consist of 30 mins of discussion about competition preparation, and a high intensity, competition based training session.

Missed last weeks competitor program due to some family issues.   We had a guest speaker/coach Amie J.

The topic for discussion focused on Science and Fitness; the different systems our bodies uses to create energy and how they affect programming and training.    Based on the feedback I see on our board; it had generated a lot of discussion surrounding these topics.   One thing Coach Amie did mention, was to watch Podcast 190 from Barbell Shrugged. 

For this week's competition class, we focused on 10 things that are important to a competitor.  The discussion lasted an hour and sadly, I didn't write down the notes about it. I know that they had recorded the entire discussion; which I will post a recap when I get it.

However, I did capture our workout; which in itself was brutal.

5 Rounds:

30 Seconds WORK / 30 Seconds REST

Box Jumps
Air Squats
Shuttle Runs
Airbike (Assault Air Bikes)

We started with a warm up using an empty bar and then slowly increasing the weight after each set of reps, while the number reps decrease by one on the Good Mornings. 

So, we are focusing some more work on the Assault Air Bikes, aka Satan's Tricycle and as well as increasing our endurance.

Saturday; December 5, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury - Competition WOD

Just on Friday (yesterday); we did a WOD where we used Satan's Tricycle.  The biggest difference was it was only 12 seconds of work, followed by 1 minute and 48 seconds of rest.  
Today's WOD; we had 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest.    Damn, those bikes are hard!   Hard in the sense that it takes at least 5 seconds of pedalling and moving those arms to get to one calorie.   I had found that after 15 seconds, my energy had dropped considerably.  And sadly by the third round; my calories that I was able to achieve in 30 seconds were the same amount I had did the day before in 12 seconds.  I have a new respect/hate for these bikes.

The other movements also added to the fatigue on the legs, which also didn't help with the AirBikes.

I give our programming coach Aiden a lot of credit for designing this.  Just a note, he also participated in this WOD.   So, it wasn't just a WOD created for us.  We all did it, and share both the triumph of finishing and as well as the post BEATEN feeling, well perhaps some of us.


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