Day 288: CF Armoury: Push Jerk; WOD: Jerk Balls

<photo credit:  Crossfit Armoury>

Thursday; December 3, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury


2 Minute Bent Over Barbell Overhead stretch
7 Shoulder Press
7 Push Press
7 Push Jerk


Work up to a HEAVY 5 rep Push Jerk

5 reps every 3 minutes @ 90% of 5 RM for 3 Sets

WOD Warm-Up:  

2 Minute Practice Double Unders
15 Wall Balls


3 Minute to Complete
30 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders

 3 Minute REST 

4 Minute to Complete
40 Wall Balls
120 Double Unders

 4 Minute REST 

5 Minute to Complete
50 Wall Balls
150 Double Unders

Today's Coach:  Jason

My Thoughts:

Feeling a bit refresh after taking a day off, let's see if this help with my performance today.

Spent two minutes bent over in a stretch out position (like a dog/cat stretching) with an empty barbell on the rack.  We were told to keep our head below our shoulder facing down.  You really feel where you are tight on the shoulders and after those two minutes... everyone's face is the same.   Owe... while rubbing the tops of the shoulders.  Afterwards, using the same empty barbell, we perform the following 3 movements for 7 reps each.
We had 10 minutes to build up to a HEAVY 5 rep Push Jerk.  Once that was established, we were to use that same weight, but at 90% of it and perform 5 reps every 3 minutes, for 3 rounds.    Felt pretty good on this today.   

WOD Warm-up;
Grabbed our ropes and a 20 lb wall ball.  Did a few skips, and of course; it's gonna be singles.  The wall ball; just going thru the motion of hitting that target at the 10 foot mark.   Meanwhile, I'm trying to be conscious of keeping my knees behind the toes.  Yes, it's harder but I have to do it or I fear I will have further knee pains and potential issues later.

Coach Jason informed us that we had to do Double Under attempts, and can't just get away with doing the standard 2 or 3x the number of singles for each double unders.   Okay, I see this will be a very low number.  I can swing the rope 2x every hop.  But my second hop never occurs.  So, its 1 Double Under attempt every 10 seconds.   On average; I should be able to get a minimum of 6 DU, maybe 7 if I feel like a bunny.
I'm more surprised how I was able to finish my wall balls and make it to double under section with some time to spare.  I remember about 1.5 years ago; that I would barely make it thru 50 wall balls, let alone at the 20 lb weight.    How far I have come, I slightly celebrate in my head and smirk a little bit.   
I can say that I did finish all the expected number of Wall Balls; just not a high number of double under attempts.  This was a really good workout in my mind.   Something that totally exhaust your soul, burns thru all your energy, leaving you completely spent.  

Well for me it was.  It probably didn't help that I didn't have my standard breakfast, and of course cause me to be in a daze afterwards.  I had my post recovery drinks (VegaSport Recovery Accelerator; 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein drink).  But that didn't help.  Which of course caused some concern for my fellow teammates.   Yah, I know..  never skip breakfast.   Thank goodness I carry extra sweets and extra protein bars.   

I may had failed to explain to my fellow team mates that I'm Type 2 diabetic.   It's under control, except for extreme situation like today.  Which I hope never happens again, as it usually means that I'm kinda out of things for a day or two afterwards.   Never quite feeling a full 100%.  Anyways, just saying that its always important to share this information with your teammates, coaches in case something happens.    I choose to be selective on who I tell because, frankly it's no ones business and I really don't need to have it used as an excuse or used as a crutch for my journey.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

Accumulate 5 Minute seated overhead dumbbell Hold

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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