Day 287: CF Armoury: Snatch; WOD: 4 Rnds for Time: Front Squats, Sit-ups, Box Jump Overs, Row

Tuesday; December 1, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury



5 Behind the neck press
5 Sotts Press
5 Bottom to Bottom Overhead Squats
5 High Hang Snatch
5 Above knee Snatch
5 Below knee Snatch


Work up to HEAVY set of:
3 Power Snatch
2 Hang Squat Snatch
1 High Hang Squat Snatch

WOD Warm-Up:  

Front Rack Hold with empty bar
Work up to Front Squat weight, test reps
Test Abmat Situps
Test Box Jump Overs (No Step Up)
row 100 meter slow


4 Rounds for time:
10 Front Squats (M: 135 lb / W: 95 lb)
15 ABMAT Situps
20 Box Jump Overs (M: 24" / W: 20")
250 meter Row

 16 Minute Time Cap 

Today's Coach:  Jason

My Thoughts:

Oh, Sotts Press; I know your suppose to be good for me... but it's hard to do when you're old and creaky in the morning.  Sometimes, I wish I had a pre-warm-up.  We used the wooden dowel to do the Behind the neck press, Sotts Press and Bottom to Bottom Overhead Squats.   The next three different snatch movements, we switch to an empty barbell.

HEAVY is the key word here, and performing in a decreasing reps for each of the snatch movements certainly taxes out the stamina.   I managed only to get to 95 lbs.   Not sure where all my energy went to for this.  Again, Hip Drive is an issue for me as I don't seem to connect consistently with the "hip" and "Drive" part of my movement.  I need some serious work on this after class!

WOD Warm-up;
Took an empty bar bell and front racked it, and held it for a minute.  Afterwards, the class was told to build up to a front rack weight.  Grabbed the other gear for the WOD, which included the Abmat (I also grabbed a few extra foam squares - force of habit after the bad incident of doing 100+ sit-ups on the rubber floor), 3x 45 lb plates to use for the box jump over, and of course a Concept2 rower.

As usual, the first round always seems eas(ier) than most.   However, by the start of the second round; weights seem heavier, box jumps seems higher and rowing is just rowing.  Areas where I felt it were the Front racks (by the third round, I would had to break it down to doing 5 reps, pause/rest, doing another 5 reps).  Box jumps over are not easy for me, thus why I scaled it with the plates (3 of them; will be moving to 4 soon).   And the 250 meter row; is just rowing to me.. This is where i usually let my mind go (meaning, for once I'm not thinking much - as most of you know; my brain is always in a deep analyzes cycle),  Today's wod is probably not a good one to do when you are tired/feeling tired/feeling overloaded.  I ended up completing 3 rounds and 3 Front squats.  Not sure why I'm so tired, overtraining perhaps.  Not sure, I'll have to re check my schedule and maybe throw in some extra rest days or ....  

Day 44 - Burpees:
I'm trying to keep a positive outlook on this as I'm fearing that all our effort to keep going with this challenge is coming to an end.  A few of the key people who started this has stopped.  I won't name names, as that's not fair.    I'll keep going as long as i have my motivation.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

Accumulate 1000 ft bear crawl (length of rig 20 times)

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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