Day 295: CF Armoury: Push Jerk; WOD - Assault AirBike

Capturing Coach Addam D. jotting down the score of each member, post WOD

Saturday; December 12, 2015 @ Crossfit Armoury


Bent over overhead Stretch, 2 minutes
7 Press, 7 Push Press, 7 Push Jerk


Work up to a 4 RM Push Jerk


4 Reps every 3:00 for 3 rounds at 91% 4 RM

WOD Warm-Up:  

1:00 Air bike Warmup, 0:15 intense


7 Rounds for Total Calories:
 0:15 Air bike ALL OUT
 2:15 REST

Today's Coaches:  Aadam D. and Cat F. 

My Thoughts:
Well, this is interesting as it's my 6th day of doing Crossfit in a row.  Felt the urge to do another class (mainly because I like the Air Bikes).  Well, it's not just Air Bikes, but bikes I like in general.  Plus I really like seeing the punishment it unleashes on everyone, for just a few seconds of work.  Yes, I'm weird that way.... /shrug   Since there is two classes on Saturday, one at 9 am and another one at 11 AM; I'll be finish just in time to attend the Crossfit Competition discussion.  

Spent the first two minutes bent over (like your bowing to someone) while holding your arms straight out, but holding the empty barbell that is on the rack.  Next, the class all did 7 reps of Strict Press, Push Press and Push Jerks.

Continuing with the Push Jerk, we load the empty barbell until we reach a 4 RM on Push Jerk.  My Push Jerk was 135 lb.

The second part call for us to use 91% of what we reached on the movement prior.  So, 91% of this works out to 125 lb (rounding it up).  This weight was repeated 4 reps every 3 minutes for 3 rounds.    The three rounds came and went just as fast as the 4 reps being performed.

WOD Warm-up;
I'm getting excited, and I see no one is in the same mood.   <I smirk a bit inside>.  I hopped up on the air bike to warm up and picked someone who was of similar height.  The intention is to minimize the amount of fiddling that each one of us have to do with the seat height.  As shown in the past, you really don't have that kind of free energy to do something as simple as moving the seat height.  We were to warm up for a minute with 15 seconds of intense work.

It's pretty straight forward; 15 seconds of all out peddling and arm movement to get as many calories.  And then hop off for about 2 minutes and 15 seconds of REST.    
So, as I found out from past experience, one can go 100% each round and get a pretty high calorie count in 15 seconds (this includes the calories counted as the bike spins down), but to sustain that over 7 rounds.  That takes a lot of strength, stamina and endurance.  But as shown by many who have tackle this, your return on calories will drop like you are on a 45 to 60 degree slope.  
I've opted to aim for 95% of my max each rounds, thus hoping that after 4 or 5 rounds; my stamina is saved and I can maintain a consistent pace/calorie count.   I'm willing to give this a test.  
The score board for Calories
on the Assault Air Bikes
Of course, I'm usually met with some smart ass comment about "sandbagging". 
Perhaps, it's just my strategy.     Take for example, let's pick on Mo for an example.  He's about my size (actually, he's taller and stronger).   He goes all out and obtain a high calorie count for the first two rounds.  But he soon starts to hit a wall and his calorie count start to drop down sharply.  Where as my strategy, is a pace at 90 to 95% and my calorie count doesn't drop down as fast... and I'm able to maintain a steady pace.  Still, Mo beats me on this with 120 calories versus my 118 calories.     He looks completely destroyed (that subjective to interpretation) where as I feel tired, but not totally depleted of energy.   I'm willing to give this strategy a long haul test, and will use it for the rest of this series of Air Bikes.   


Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.
Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

Work up to a HEAVY set of 
 4 Clean Grip Deadlifts
 3 Hang Power Clean

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!


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