Crossfit Armoury - Week 9: Olympic Lifting and new lifting shoes

An early Christmas present from my wife -
Reebok Crossfit Lifter 2.0 Plus 

Wednesday; December 16, 2015
Olympic lifting class @ Crossfit Armoury

My Thoughts:

Quoting Coach AJ Facendi on Facebook:

Olympic Lifting this week (sorry it's late):
Today (Wednesday) - a new snatch warm up to keep working on full extension, drop snatches for warming up those shoulders and to practice getting under the bar, then power snatches, power cleans and presses, with some clean pulls for accessory work
Sunday- another new warm up focusing on full extension, then snatches and cleans working up to 85% to get more consistent at higher numbers for both snatches and clean & jerks, and snatch pulls to finish
On a side note I've noticed a huge improvement in your Olympic lifts during your regular WODs... So exciting to see! 💜 ‪#‎hardwork‬‪#‎goals‬ ‪#‎results‬

Due to personal time constraints, I only attend the Wednesday Olympic lifting class this week.  I skipped the mobility classes as well as the gymnastic classes that were offered.

However, I do want to share that I picked up (okay, it was an early Christmas gift from my wife) a replacement pair of Olympic lifting shoes.

Adidas Powerlift 2.0 (my first Olympic lifting shoes)
I am upgrading from these Adidas Powerlift 2.0 (which had served its purpose).  I originally bought these when I had started to dabble into power lifting and some olympic lifting. I wasn't sure about what shoes to get, and I remembering asking everyone at the box what they had, research it on the internet, and decided to go with these.   

My thought was, let's see if I stick with this type of training or not and if not; it's not a total waste of money.   The cost at the time was $120 CDN.  I didn't want hybrid shoe as I already had my nanos, a pair of dedicated runners and now, I wanted a dedicated olympic lifting shoe. 

Fast forward; I've been keeping my eyes out on Nike Romaleos 2 for a while and the prices never seems to go down, even when on sale.   Actually, prices has been going up.   
The availability of this product locally is close to none in stock.  Ordering anything locally would result in a 2 to 3 months wait, and without seeing it and trying it out with the correct size; I was quite hesitant.   The cost of these varied between $230 to $250 CDN.   I was willing to spend this money, but wasn't willing to wait.

Reebok Crossfit Lifter 2.0 Plus 
Then came a sale on Reebok Canada site, a Cyber weekend sale.   Price of these shoes were 50% off, so a $190 pair of Reebok Crossfit Lifter 2.0 Plus was had for $95 CDN.  It's a hard deal to pass on.  Delivery time was 3 days.   And with the double strap setup, similar to the Nike; I was sold.  Both the heel height of the Nike and Reebok are 0.75"; whereas my Adidas Powerlift 2.0 was only 0.6" for heel height.  Would I notice the difference?  

They had the shoe in my correct size, plus with it's unique color and design; I was sold on the shoe.  I knew there weren't anyone at the box that had this unique variation (at least not at any of the classes I've gone to, including Olympic lifting classes).  The only time I saw these were at the Crossfit Games (on You-Tube and TV).    As for the bright orange color, what you see advertise and what you get are two different colors.  

I now refer to my shoes as the Safety Cone shoes.   You can't missed me!  Now I hope I can lift better with these.

An unique feature about these shoes is the U-Form, where you stick them into the oven @ 200 F for 3 minutes; taken them out and wear them for 8 minutes.   Once that is done, take your feet out of them and let it cool.  The shoes are now mold to your feet.  If you google or search for it on Youtube; there are detail instructions.   I had an opportunity to try them first for a week without doing this process, it was like any flat hard shoe.   

After the "cooking" of the shoes in the oven, it was a night and day difference.  It felt like my shoes have been worn for a while after the "cooking" process.  Yes, I remember my wife was asking what i was doing with the cookie sheet, and my new olympic lifting shoes sitting on top of them.  I had to explain the concept to her and all she did was laugh and shook her head. 


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