Crossfit Armoury - Jun 5, 2018: 1 RM Clean and Jerk; WOD: 400 m run, 15 Power Snatches - 5 rounds for Time

Tuesday; June 5, 2018 @ Crossfit Armoury - WEST

Crossfit Coach:  Meaghan Becker

Came in today and did the noon class instead of my usual evening.  And to top it off, I kept my workout to just one hour!!  None of this back to back and stay for another 30 to 45 minutes afterwards to work on accessories.   It's so weird!   Then again, I had to get back to the office.

The other reason was I had a massage booked for this evening and well; I'm not going to workout after a deep tissue massage!

Plus, it was a chance to work on building to a new 1 RM for Clean & Jerk!  That and a long cardio workout.  Remember, I'm still trying to increase my cardio capacity.  Tackling the things I hate the most...  weak at.. 

Started with an empty barbell and performed 5 reps of each of the movements shown in the programming.  Coach explained each of the movement in detail and and demoed it for us before we started. 
One additional thing that coach had us do was a walking lunge without the barbell for 20 steps.  Ensuring that we stay upright with our chest while performing it.

Coach had let us go at our own pace and to build up to our 1 RM.   Even though, I took the time prior calculate out my percentage so I could follow as suggested programming.  I like her idea better as I know my own weight and how many reps and what weight to do them.  It's essentially a guideline for those who were starting or just as a guideline in general.

I did not do use the following as what to lift, every 90 seconds.  Once coach said we were on own and use whatever value of weight and  build up to our 1 RM and beyond.  The number show below was thrown away like an used kleenix.

My calculations prior to class

I ended building up to my 100% which was 215 lb.  In hindsight, I should had gone up by 5 lb instead of 10 lb.   I was able to clean the 225 lb (new PR on the Squat Clean), twice.  But in both attempts to jerk the weight above my head resulted in failure!   Damn it!!   But the 225 lb felt solid; so I know that I just need to work on jerking the heavier weight.   I will continue with my custom olympic lifting in hopes of achieving this in the near future!

WOD Warm-up:
Coach explained what was expected for the Power Snatch and demo what she didn't want to see. 

5 Rounds for time.  Programming called for 16 minutes to complete.  Coach gave us 20 minutes.   Works out to be about 4 minutes per round!   I was able to run the first 400 meter without stopping and able to do the 15 Power Snatches unbroken.  Every round after that, required me to walk a bit during the 400 meter run.  It wasn't until my third round where i had to break up my Power Snatches 8 rep, 7 rep.  

Running still sucks for me and I was the last one to come in.  I finished my 4 round at 17:49.  But coach wanted me to run the 400 meters.  Once I came in, the clock already stopped at the 20 minute (as it was taking me more than 2 min and 30 seconds to finish), but coach Meaghan wanted me to finish the 15 Power Snatches.  I wish she kept the clock running so I would know how long it really took.  Next time, I'll just time it on my watch.   /sigh

So many weakness to work on.  The cardio (running/jogging) is just slaughtering this guy!  Kinda frustrating for me and I'm trying hard to not let the negative thoughts hit me.  Will try to remain positive and figure what I can do.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.

Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

 4 Sets:
 12 dumbbell lateral raises
 12 dumbbell front raises
 20 banded Pull Aparts

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:  #rebuild #tobefitby50


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