Crossfit Armoury - June 10, 2018: #inVEST Sunday

Post WOD Chill session

Team #inVEST posted the following for the workout:

#inVestSunday this week is going to be a good one! 

100 Air Squats buy in
Box jumps
Wall Balls
Kettle bell swings
200 m run after each round
100 Air squats buy out
As always, everyone is welcome! 10am warmup for a 1030ish start!


It was pouring outside and the thought of moving the running to the inside was met with some challenges.  It was decided to do the run as it was only 200 meters, and a bit of rain won't hurt. If anything, it'll help with some of the cooling.

Slight change in the order of the workout as Devin mentioned that he would like us not to come in from the rain and go directly to the box jumps.  It's a safety issue.  So, switch the KB Swings with Box Jumps.

I scaled the one workout which was the dreaded box jumps to step ups.  Otherwise, everything was as straight forward.   Being mindful of the number of reps in total (150) for each movement when all done, I only used a 44 lb Kettlebell instead of the 53 lb that I brought over.

The most challenging part of this workout, believe it or not; was the air squats.  Those were the Buy-in and Buy-out of the workouts.  And when you are not doing the box jump, it really slows the person down.  As per usual, I was about a round behind everyone else.   

Still, I grinded thru and with the help/cheering of everyone.  I managed to finish under an hour.  I had looked up at the clock after the 100 air squats was done for the buy-out and it was 57 minutes and 49 seconds.   Brutal and rewarding at the same time!!!

Thanks Armoury for another epic Sunday workout!!!  I love team #inVEST.   I love all the people, the community and that I'm part of the #ArmouryArmy

Post Recovery

and yes, I did stay afterwards to do some additional accessory training.  I think my personal goals are pretty straight forward.   

Short term goals are to build up Stamina, Improve on the cardio engine, get stronger.

Sometimes, I need these SoulCrushing workouts to test myself and see where I need to improve.  While at times, it's seems to be an impossible task or it seems likes its Never Enough!   I have to remind myself why I'm doing this; that I just want to be better than average!

#PunishorBePunish  #SoulCrushingorCrushedSoul #YouControlYourOutcome


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