Crossfit Armoury - June 7, 2018: Max OHS, Max Back Squat; WOD: AMRAP - 3 Power Clean, 6 Db Snatch, 9 Box Jump Overs, 9 Toes to Bar

6 Minute AMRAP: 3 Power Cleans, 6 Alternating DB Snatches, 9 Box Jumps Overs

Thursday; June 7, 2018 @ Crossfit Armoury - WEST

Crossfit Coach:  Mike Kan

Came in this evening and was pondering, how the hell am I suppose to hit a max Overhead Squat within 10 minutes and then attempt to hit a max Back Squat in the next 12 minutes!?!  At least that was what was in original programming.   We were advised of the change on the whiteboard to reflect, it's either one.  Thank God!   We had 22 minutes to hit our max of our choice.

Since the class prior was still actively running, coach Mike came around and gave us some mini rubber bands and advised us that we should wrapped them around our knees.  And then do a 50 foot walk forward, backwards, sideways, and the opposite direction sideways.  We just did in the area throughout the box, avoiding the 5 pm class who were still working on their WOD.

Since the option was changed to either one; we get to pick.  I opted to work on achieving my Max Overhead Squat (OHS).   I will know shortly after I get going that if it's fully achievable to hit my 1 RM.  Sometimes you feel it, and there are other days that an all max lift is just not possible.

Meanwhile, I was chatting with Kelsey who did the class prior and asked what his max OHS (I guess I need an external push).  He told me his best is 205 lb.   My previous best was 180 lb just 5 months ago.   I was aiming to hit 185 lb.   
I had a fail at 175 lb as Kelsey called me out on it, I didn't full reach full depth, my legs were only parallel to the ground.  With time running, out I redid it at 185 lb and was able to hit it with no issues.  Kelsey suggested that it looked to easy and it felt easy.   Time was up, but I asked coach Mike if I can make another attempt at a higher weight.   He said yes, as there were a few people who were still on their last lift.

I added another 10 lbs and went for it.  My issue is sometimes I freak out when I attempt to push press/jerk heavy weight from behind my neck.   Once the weight is above my head, and I'm in a stable position, the squat is not the issue.

I hit my new OHS PR of 195 lb, a 15 lb increase over my previous.  I think it's going to be a good evening!   

WOD Warm-up:
Coach explained the Power Clean and as well as the Box Jump Over movement.  As always, scale accordingly.   Even thou there was a Sweat/Tech section; I opted to go with the Rx Weight of 155 lb for the Power Clean.  However, I will be doing step up and over as my scale portion of the the Box Jump Over.  
If I could go back in time, I wish my previous CF box would had taught us the correct way, and/or scale the box jump.   Having gone thru all those Achille's injuries (3 times) brings back bad memories.  Thus, I'll never do box jump!
I used a 50 lb dumbbell for the snatches.  Coach did demo how he would like to see the db snatches are performed.

One thing that I did listen to was my training partner, Shannon who advised me to not go out of the gate fast and burn yourself out.  She received the tip from one of the people from the 4 pm class.   Good idea, I'll just pace myself.  I'm sure it'll hit me a bit later. 
At one point, coach came around and told me to keep my opposite hand off my leg when I was doing the dumbbell snatch.    I was very mindful of that for each DB snatch afterwards, ensuring I engage my core.
The slowdown for me was the Step Up over, where as I can see from my classmates; everyone was about a round faster.   Price to be safe..  
After the first 6 minutes, we would get a 3 minute rest.  Repeat the same workout as it was an amrap, and followed by a 2 minute rest.  Repeat one more time.   
Despite the lower rest time, I still managed to get close to my previous reps.  Just shy by two reps.  It was a burner!

And like previous weeks, off to do another class promptly after this one.  Gymnastics, as I need to improve my movements.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.

Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

 3 sets of 8 Strict Press @ 75% of 1 RM

Mobility; added by request by members of Crossfit Armoury

 forearms/wrists:  2 minute per side barbell smash on forearms with palm up 
   and palm down

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:  #rebuild #tobefitby50


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