Crossfit Armoury - June 17, 2018 - #inVEST Sunday: Dad Bod workout

Come celebrate Father's Day with the #inVEST crew! Sunday we're doing a WOD called 'DAD BOD' to honour all the amazing fathers!
In Teams on 3 (total reps shared by team members):
Buy in: 15 rope climbs
1 person runs 400m while other 2 are working. Perform the following chipper style.
150 Pull ups
150 HSPU
150 BJO
150 Burpees
Cash out: 15 rope climbs
All Dad's, and everyone welcome!
10 am warm up
10:30 start time

Happy Father's day to everyone!

We had about 13 people that showed up for this wonderful workout.  We had three teams of 3, and one teams of 4.  They did contemplate doing a team of two, but there wouldn't be anytime for rest.

I was in a team of three; Connie and Shannon (my usual training partner).  We called ourselves Team Scale.   Shannon is an Rx's person, and Connie is not too far behind.  I'm the one that is still scaling the HSPU, the Box Jump overs, and the Rope Climb. 

Earlier this week, I was able to do a a few strict 'deficit' HSPU.  But I'm not going to try and do them in this workout as there were more than my capacity.  Hindsight, I should had tried initially for a few and then switch to do the them on the box.

I also scaled the Box Jump Over (BJO) with step overs with the 24".  The ladies used the 20" height.

Talking to the organizers of Team Invest; the scaling for the Rope climb will be two from the ground to top for every 1 rope climb.   Both the Buy-in and the Buy-out is 15 rope climb.  Splitting it three ways, makes for 5 each (or 10 for me).  One day, I'll have the rope climb figured out.  For now, it's just scaling as needed.

This workout took our team about 58 minutes to finish.  I actually found the 400 meter run as my recovery stage.  As long as I slowed down the pace, I would get some recovery.  Although, at the later rounds; I would walk a few spots, 100 meters in the beginning or at mid way.

Otherwise, this was another fun and exciting #inVEST workout.

Looking forward to future workouts with the #inVEST team!


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