Crossfit Armoury - June 7, 2018: Gymnastcis

Thursday; June 7, 2018 @ Crossfit Armoury - WEST

Gymnastic Coach:  
Kyle Samson

I, for the most part am the slow one that comes to the Gymnastic class.  This happens 9/10 times as I'm either running to change shoes (lifters to crossfit shoes), refilling my water bottle, changing shirts, or putting away equipment from the class before.   At least the coach is pretty tolerate for us late people, and I'm not the only one that is coming from the class prior.  Just that I'm usually the last one, the class members are pretty good about it as well.  

Coach Kyle had the class grab a wooden dowel.  Mine was there already as I was still busy getting my water.  Thanks Amber for getting my dowel.   Gotta love the classmates!   Warmed up with some shoulder pass thru, and as well as reverse grip pass-thru.  Coach urged us to go slow with these movements.  My mobility and shoulder were warm already from the previous workout.  Although, I must admit that it felt good, as in a good stretch when we did these!

Next we moved to the wrist mobility, going thru various movements.  

4 Rounds for Quality

Kipping C2B / Kipping Pull Up / Beat Swings [biggest repeatable set] (6-15)
  - REST 10 seconds
Headstand Hold [30 seconds]
  - REST 10 seconds
Kipping HSPU [Biggest repeatable set] (5-15)
  - REST 1 Minute

I asked coach about the Kipping Pull-ups, as well as the Kipping HSPU.  He wanted me to show him how my Kipping Pull-ups were, and then suggested after viewing them to do one, drop down, rest, and repeat.

As for the Kipping HSPU, I definitely feeling it in my shoulders (tired) from the Overhead Squat and the WOD prior with the DB Snatches.  No attempts were tried, despite one of my classmate cheering me on to do it.  Nope, not this guy. I know my limits.   Coach suggested using a box and do strict HSPU while inverted.  This was fine with me as I did feel it on my tired shoulder.  Was only able to get about 5 before losing strength.

Despite being a bit tired, my headstand hold are hitting the 30 second threshold fairly consistent.

We were left on our accord based on how long it would take for each of us at each station.

16 Minute EMOM 
Minute 1:  Strict HSPU [2 - 3 hard reps]
Minute 2:  L HOLD from bar [15 seconds to 20 seconds]
Minute 3:  Push Up [10 - 15 reps, rest as needed]
Minute 4:  Strict Pull Up [2-7 reps]

Talked to coach about scaling the Strict HSPU, as I still don't have them. Honestly, I haven't tried HSPU; and today would not be a good day to do them.  Scaled it with using two 35 lb dumbbells for a very strict shoulder press for 5 to 7 reps.
L-hold from bar, is pretty much self explanatory.  Just that coach always comes around to enforce my knees to be higher.  I really cant get my core engage enough as my fat stomach impedes my height of my knees.  I keep saying that, but I think I need to change my attitude.  I'll need to work on bring it higher, regardless of what's in the way.  Obviously, my coach seeing something else.  Perhaps it's mental block on my part.
Push-ups, pretty straight forward. Reapply the proper technique with doing a push-up correctly.  
Strict Pull-up, asked coached after class about where the placement of the chin should be at.  He said over, the bar.  And the movement is the same when you are doing a strict chest to bar, just that you are hitting your chest to the bar.  I know, it seems weird to ask the question; but when you want to ensure that the technique is correct, you have some stupid questions.   You never know until you asked the question.  My strict Pull-ups are coming along.  Still not quite getting my chin over, but coach suggested that I widen my hands on the bar.  As it stand now, the grip is too narrow, and it's like I'm a T-Rex and not able to get myself above a certain height due to the restriction.   It did make a difference and I'll adjust and practice with this change.

And in typical format, followed up with a few minute rest and started on my accessories.  Well, in this case; it was a suggestion by Coach Mike Kan who I've been talking to about adding load, to my post workouts.   

I will be alternating depending on what workout that I've done before between a 5 km jog, 10 km air bike, or a 5 km rowing.  All at a comfortable pace, so that when I talk to someone; it's not that I'm out of breath.

Personal Reflection:

It's been a bit weird lately, ever since I been aiming to maintain a 2 hour workout load for my Olympic lifting session; my body seem to adjusted and now, I just want to keep working out.  

It's not like it's I only do light workouts.  1 hour Crossfit Class followed by 1 hour Gymnastic or 1 hour of accessory work.   Sometimes, I got beyond the 2 hours.  And here I am, now looking for different exercises to tax/push my system.

Maybe I'm just asking for it, or I just want to see how far I can push this old body.  I don't know where it'll go from here.  But will keep everyone posted on this blog.

Thanks for reading...

- Tony


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