Crossfit Armoury - June 6, 2018: Max Strict Pull-ups, Max Strict HSPU, Max Kipping Pull-ups, Max Kipping HSPU; HERO WOD: LIAM

Wednesday; June 6, 2018 @ Crossfit Armoury - WEST

Crossfit Coach:  Mike Kan

Well, you know how I feel about running.  My long term readers know that this year, I've been working on improving my engine, the cardio engine.  Year after year, and more so competition after competition; the one thing that destroys me is my cardio engine.  Need to rebuild and refocus.  So here I am, challenging myself one bit at a time.  It gotta get done!

Started with some Scap Pull-ups for 10 reps, then going into some beat swings and then with the band that Coach Mike gave us at the beginning of class; we were to do 10 Banded Pull a parts.

We setup according to how the skills that we had.  I ended up using the Sweat/Tech column for my workout.  It was an unusual setup for this portion of the workout.  So quick and slightly odd programming choices.   Just my opinions.  We weren't' recording the number of each movements, so we were left on own to do this in the time limit that was set.

WOD Warm-up:
Coach explained each of the movements and we could do for scaling.  Especially for those who don't have Toes to Bar, and Rope climb.   The ratio of Rope climb compared to Ground to Standing had changed.  The value we had on our board was 30, as oppose to the programming in our spreadsheet.
We loaded our barbell with the weight and did a few runs thru it.  Initially, the 95 lb felt heavy; but once I did a few reps of the Front Squat.  It all came back to me.  

We could split up the Toes to Bar, Front Squat and Rope Climb in any format we wanted.   There was a suggestion of do 10 T2B, 5 Front Squats and 1 Rope Climb.   I used the same rep scheme as suggested, but with the scaled parameters.   The 800 meter run was without any plates, Knee raises instead of Toes to Bar, Front Squats was done at 95 lb and I did 3 Ground to Standing.  
I used plastic army men to keep track which round I was.

I was pleasantly surprised that this workout main focus was about pacing yourself.  And at the same time, don't rest too long.   The 95 lb front squat initially felt awkward; but once I got going...  It was comfortable.  Perhaps at the half way part, was where I was resting on my back when I was getting ready to do the 3 reps Ground to Standing.   Shannon who was in the area walked by to do her Toes to Bar yelled at me to get going.  Half way there!!   It was enough motivation to keep going, and really minimize the rest period.  I would used this tidbit to keep myself going.  I always appreciate that support!

Before I knew it, I would look up at the clock and it said, 24:31.  I was done and ready to head out on my 800 meter run.  Off I went, first one out.  That's just so weird.   Walked the first 200 meter and then went into a light jog.  I was worried one of the others would catch up and past me.  There were a lot of fast people in the group.  About half way (400 meter mark), I looked back and saw Coach Jason who was doing the class.  He wasn't far behind me.  I wanted to stop, but decided to keep going and not stop to walk.  What I really feared was his use of his finger at the back of my spine.  It motivates me to keep moving and not to stop and walk.  It was enough for me to stay in light jogging mode and made it all the way in, with Coach next to me.   Wow, never thought I would NOT stop running.  It's coming along, slowly! 

Finished the workout at 30 minutes and 49 seconds!

Opted not to do the Olympic programming, and sat around cooling off and chatting with fellow members..  About 40 minutes later, time put to good use with socializing with other members.  

I decided that I need to do some extra work/accessories or something.   Went and grabbed 2x 70 lb KB and did some farmer's carries; but this time, around part of the building.  Lewis wanted to build up his grip strength.  He was using 2x 53 lb kettlebells.  After coming in, I suggested we do some 70 lb sack walk around the building.   Lewis was done and opt out.  I decided to this alone and went for my 400 meter walk.

After all this, I was still restless... but it was time to get ready to head home.

I had a good chat with Coach Mike about what additional work I could do after my workouts.  He suggested a few things at a talking pace with the Airbikes, Rowers, and some running.  I will keep this in mind, and execute them next week.

Extra creditalso known as extra programming for the likes.   In case you find that the WOD was not enough, or you are looking on increasing your skills, strength for an upcoming competition.  This little nugget is the thing for you!   Coaches are on-site and can be asked for assistance if there is a movement you don't understand.  They will also provide some guidance if you are doing it wrong.

Usually, the extra credit is performed after the class.   And more than likely, there will be others from the class who will want to do it.   This is definitely another way to get to know the other members at your box.

 Alternating every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:

 20 seconds; attempt to kick up onto the wall.
 5 Behind the neck Strict Press

 20 seconds; free handstand holds practice
 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

MOBILITY:  they started to add this to the regular programming this week.  It was a request from clients of Armoury.

 Ankle Mobility:  2 minute on side kettlebell stretch on box for dorsiflexion

Remember to stay consistent in your training and tackle one WOD at a time!!

Hashtags for the day:  #rebuild #tobefitby50


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