Crossfit Armoury - June 14, 2018: Gymnastics

Thursday; June 14, 2018 @ Crossfit Armoury - West

Gymnastic Coach:  Kyle Samson


Working on my weakness, GYMNASTIC movements.

Enjoying the balance of this months classes as they are stopping the speciality classes!  Just two more weeks of this and they will be going to a new format.  Not sure how that will pan out as I already seen some rumbling with the killing of these programs.  It's not like there is low attendance, Kyle's classes fills out.  

Time will tell.  And I had shared my opinions with him, and he has my permission to share with the owners as he wishes (he is one of the owners).

Coach Kyle had us grab a wooden dowel, and a 2.5 lb plate.   We did some over the shoulder pass-thru, and reverse grip shoulder pass thrus.  Windmill rotations without any plate initially, which we found odd.  We did this forward and backward, as well as alternating arms.  Then we moved to using the 2.5 lb plate, with the same movements and pattern as without the plate.
Next, we moved to the floor and worked on our wrist mobility/stretches.

5 Rounds for Quality
Kipping Pull-up / Chest to Bar / Beat Swings
 - REST 10 seconds -
Reverse Grip Push Ups [Max Unbroken]
 - REST 10 seconds -
Headstand Hold [30 seconds]
 - REST 1 Minute -

As I had asked coach for some feedback and how to scale some of the movements, he asked me to demo my moving with the Kipping Pull-ups.  This is still a work in progress or me as I have to work on my beat swing, and not use my hip/legs as much.  Most of the power as mentioned by coach is that its the upper body, shoulders specifically.  I'll be doing the Kipping pull-up every 30 seconds.
Reverse Grip Push-up seems to be easier for me than regular push-ups.  Although, I did get some comments from my class mates that I wasn't bringing my chest down and touching.  Sorry, my belly will be touching the ground no matter how you look at it before my chest.
Headstand Hold are averaging about 25 seconds.   I tend to not pay attention to time as much as I'm trying to keep my core engaged.

16 Minute EMOM 
Minute 1:  L Hold from Bar [15 seconds - 20 seconds]  
Minute 2:  Strict Pull Up [2 - 7]
Minute 3:  Toes 2 Bar [5 - 10]
Minute 4:  Strict "Deficit" Handstand Push Up [2 -3]

Here's something new.  After coach went thru each of the movement, I asked if I could do the Strict "Deficit" handstand push up.   He suggested that I do the them on the box, but I protested.  I said, I have my kicking up on the handstand as I've been practicing.  And the thought of the "deficit" will give me a good idea on the how, and skills/strength needed.  He agreed, and did a quick demo for me.  I've been getting a lot of suggestions from my classmates, some of which I just don't quite trust.  Better to ask the coach for the proper advice.  I know they mean well, but I just don't want to get hurt and then blame who for my stupidity.

Coach said he will be by my side as I attempt my first one.   I had grabbed about 3 abmats and use that as my goal to reach (my head touching the top of it).  I Kicked up and got into my handstand against the wall, and then proceeded to lower my head.   The first time, I went down to the point where I felt comfortable to push back up.   Boom, I did it.   Not a lot of depth.  I tried again, and aimed to touch the top of the 3 Abmats stacked on top of each other.  I was able to hit it, each time.    Now I understand the feeling.  Coach suggested that I move hands apart a smidge.  I keep practicing and then it was time to do the 16 Minute EMOM.

Minute 1:  the L-Hold from bar are getting better, as I'm able to maintain a hold for 20 seconds.  Aim high I say, as I'm still keeping my knees above the parallel.  Not straight legs, yet.
Minute 2:  Strict Pull-up; I can do 1 really good, and then the next one is not quite a full strict pull-up
Minute 3: Toes 2 bar; coach has me practicing my beat swing and have me use the upper body with a small swing with the feet to a certain height.    I need to practice my control.  More work is need on this.
Minute 4:  Practicing on the deficit Handstand Push-up.  Something I'm very excited and will be working on each week.

Stuck around for a bit and worked on some more farmer carries after the class and other accessory work.  I didn't do class prior as I'm easing back on my training a bit.  Consider this as more of a de-load week for me.   I've been going pretty hard on all my workouts for the last 3 or 4 weeks.  It's time to take a step back.  That and the work week has been quite hectic.

Additional questions to coach was how often should I work on Gymnastics.  He said, based on my current load and workouts; I should aim for twice a week.   And suggestion that I may want to avoid doing them after a heavy olympic lifting as that will tax my core.  I agree, as I had my unfortunately failed attempt and an awkward landing after my 2.5+ hour olympic lifting training.  
Which resulted in painful pull in the back and thus a trip to physio a few days later.  All is good now!  Just some tight muscle in the back.  


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